I actually own a Grado prestige silver, not sure where it is though. I packed it up when my Lenco kicked the bucket and have moved a couple of times since. I just read about their company, looked at the "tour" on their website. I had no idea they were such a small, neat outfit. everything is done in-house. they even do all their injection molding on a small, antique press. very cool and inspiring!
I would think that a full understanding of the entire phono reproduction system would be a prerequisite for designing an ultimately effective preamp. But then again most recording equipment these days seems to be designed by engineers that have never set foot in a professional studio, nontheless worked as a recordist. personally, Ive already got quite a bit of experience with the lathe side of things (maintaining and cuttting sides on a VMS-70) but have never woried much about playback.
I was just reading the B&K AES paper about audible resonances. the fact that all those <10 Hz resonances show up as IMD sidebands throughout the audio band is enlightening. this is a must-read if anyone hasn't seen it:
Now Im thinking my ATP-12T arm is too massive to be a good middle-of-the-road reference. And I will need several cartridges. sort of like if one was designing a mic preamp and wanted to do subjective testing, one microphone won't tell you everything. for example, my choices would be something like SM57, COLES 4038 and KM84. one of each representative technology, each very commonplace in studios for years and years.
so a mid-grade grado would cover the moving iron, and guess you'd want a standard, well-liked moving coil and moving magnet as well. shure V15-III for moving magnet? maybe a denon DL-103 moving coil?
mike p