I tend to go with Neilsk's view on plastics and the marine environment ,these microscopic bits of plastic tend to bond with other polutants and get lodged in the gills of fish ,moluscs and filter feeding shell fish are extremely sensitive to polution and there are plenty of studies that show that , a buddy of mine did a study about 20 years ago on a species here in the harbour known as the dog whelk ,he found all kinds of deformaties of their reproduction system and apparently now ,you just dont find them here anymore . A conseravtive estimate a good few years ago said something like 5% of the worlds chemicals were produced in the lower Cork harbour area , its not recomended to eat anything ,especially shells fish from the harbour itself .The moluscs are a very ancient creature ,here much much longer than us , there also a key indicator of water quality . Very good point about nature of the food chain as well John ,large predatory species are best avoided ,they tend to accumulate the nastiest crap .Im lucky Im right by the sea and the mackeral litterally jump out of the water in late summer. My Grandad was a keen sport fisherman back in the day ,but only ever took as much as he needed for the table ,I was born and raised on the finest wild line caught fish , I try to put fish on the menu at least twice a week ,in fact this very good Friday night I made a fish pie with fresh cod and smoked coley , I dont need any religious dictat telling me to eat fish ,I just love the stuff anyway.