PM-1000 Power Supply

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Dec 6, 2011
Hi all,

I recently purchased a pm-1000 with two pres that doesnt have a power supply. I was wondering if anyone can help point me in the direction of a parts list for building the power supply. The unit also needs a phase switch and a rotary switch. Any help on what the model #'s for these switches are?

I'm new to this diy. Built my first sca mic pre few months back but that is the most extensive stuff ive done. Appreciate help with this.
It's a pretty simple 44v/48v power supply -- look in the meta-meta, I think I found the info needed there.  IIRC, people have used off-the-shelf 48V supplies, and built simple step-downs on breadboard for the 44v rail.

I went the other way, since it was my first project, and bought a power supply from FiveFish Audio.  Look in the White Market forum, FiveFish is a registered vendor here.