Privacy win - SCOTUS cellphone tracking ruling

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
Madison, WI
Supreme court ruled that the a right to privacy extends to cellphone location data about individuals.

A win for privacy rights.

A close 5-4 decision:
ROBERTS,  C.  J.,  delivered  the  opinion  of  the  Court,  in  which  GINSBURG, BREYER, SOTOMAYOR, and KAGAN, JJ., joined. 

KENNEDY, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which THOMAS and ALITO, JJ., joined.  THOMAS, J., filed a dissenting opinion.  ALITO, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which THOMAS, J., joined.  GORSUCH, J., filed a dissenting opinion.

I haven't read through the whole thing, but the dissents by the conservative justices seem to say the fourth amendment only lists "his own  person,  house,  papers,  and  effects" and therefore a right to privacy should not extend any further.
I dont have a moblie phone ,I dont want one ,and this whole thing smacks of platitudeiness if there is such a word .The cat is out of the bag long go ,your phone metadata will remain on some nameless server forever ,even if legitimate government servers have to be cleansed of data every once in a while to comply with data regs .
A point will arise where resistance is futile ,the bit/bot will have your name, your address, your telephone number, your face, your movements ,game over ......
Meanwhile left/right are kicking the shit out of each other . Freedom to simply think is in jeopardy .Have PROC turned life into a virtual computer game with a point system now too?, Blade Runner here we come .
