Problem with Phantom Power after swapping trafos in my Pre73

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Jul 14, 2010
So I'm switching the mic input and output transformers on my Pre-73.  Got everything soldered up and when I tested it the phantom power wasn't working.  Checked the +48V rail and it's only at around 7 to 8V.  Anyone have any ideas what's up?

BTW, the power transformer is a 24V outside of the chassis.  I'm kind of a newbie to electronics, but I've done some work/troubleshooting, but I don't know how the 24V is doubled for the phantom.  Any suggestions on measurements or components to start with would be awesome.  Thanks!!
1) do you have a schematic for the PSU? -step one for troubleshooting-
2) Have you double checked that you haven't shorted out your phantom input, maybe by a mis-wired transformer?
3) WHAT is you favorite color?

gemini86 said:
1) do you have a schematic for the PSU? -step one for troubleshooting-
2) Have you double checked that you haven't shorted out your phantom input, maybe by a mis-wired transformer?
3) WHAT is you favorite color?


I unfortunately do not have a schematic, and I did a brief googling for it and couldn't find it.

However, my guess is that you are right that bad soldering of the trafo is shorting the +48V.  Is that something that might take it down to about 7V/8V? 

Also, if anyone knew a little theory on phantom power and input transformers that would be of great help too.

Thanks guys!

my favorite color is red btw
the input transformer has nothing to do with phantom power unless it has a center tap which is a whole other ball of wax. so I would suspect you shorted out either the resistors 6.8K going to pins 2 and 3 or you shorted out something related to phantom power in the psu. unlesss there was a real goof wiring the the transformer incorrectly will either have it out of phase or backwards.
Well, let's get some more specifics. What transformer are you using? I'm assuming that it requires you to jumper some windings together to setup the appropriate ratio, so I would first look there... Maybe you mis-read the TX pinout. Check voltage from the PSU while disconnected from the pre, make sure it's correct. Then go from there.
lets start with what we know. It worked before you put in the new transformer, now with the new transformer phantom doesn't work. 

I would disconnect the primaries of the new input transformer and try phantom. Measure the results with a dmm looking for 48vdc accross pins 2 and 3 on the input xlr. if you have it without the primaries connected then it's something to do with the new input transformer however I doubt it as the input transformer should be separate from phantom power.

Sorry forgot I started this.  So were measuring +38V off the PSU.  Also, when measuring the phantom, we shorted it across the + and grd, is that a concern?

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