a quck way is to get a bunch of caps and have a pair of clip leads coming off the cap hookup points,
then you just plug and play till you find the freqs you want,
you will find that one value cap will eq a certain song very well, but not the next production you play, Epic, Capitol, A and M, they all have their rooms and own sounds, you will find that certain cap values will work for one recording engineer and room, but not the next, but certain record companies have the same sound for each artist because it was recorded in the same room with the same equipment,
so it is a compromise, there is no perfect value for the pultec, so add more values than stock for more flexibility,
this will allow you to try two caps of same value but different makes,
like wima vs wax and paper vs orange drops vs whatever you can find,
it is a lot of fun doing this, beats smokin crack any ol day, :
did you check the Meta on EQ?