It’s also worth going back to the loadlines in post #22 and appreciating what options you may have. The last plot shows an output transformer PP impedance of circa 4k5 ohm, but the low distortion section is likely for plate voltage swing between 75V and 400V, beyond which the peak of the waveform becomes increasingly more distorted.
To avoid that in vintage hi-fi amps, the PP impedance is increased to say 10k and the idle current reduced, and then the low distortion voltage swing extends to perhaps 50V to 450V, such that the loadline doesn't reach cut-off with zero current, and the total loadline effectively stays under the max dissipation curve you want to apply. One aspect to appreciate is that the actual loadline is not straight, but will extend out like an ellipse, so margin above and below the loadline allows for lower distortion operation.
So apart from tube selection, the next phase of 'design' perhaps is the OPT impedance you have on hand, and from that you can start to define the idle V and I point that achieves as much linear option in the tube curves before approaching tube regions where screen current rise starts to become a player.