Got given an old EQP-1 to sort out, it was putting out a popping/crackling sound. Output transformer was on its way out. Sent it off for a rewind. Transformer came back. Wired it in. Powered it up. Smoke! A couple of wires were reversed on the primary and tertiary windings, took out the 1k on the centre tap of the tertiary winding.
So I sent the transformer off again. Wired it back into the Pultec, no smoke this time! But it was squealing around 16khz, whichever way the feedback winding was connected. Bypassed the negative feedback winding by connecting the 360ohms feedback resistors straight to the 1k on the centre tap, then that amp was stable but obviosuly not unity gain. I scoped the output of the feedback winding, checking freq response and phase, -3dB at 6.6Khz with 90° phase shift, turning a full 180° by 27khz.
So the transformer went back again. They realised the previous fault would have put DC current through the windings and probably demagetised the laminations. So they pumped 50Hz through it to sort that out, primary inductance went from 18H up to 24H. Got the transformer back, put it in the Pultec. Now it's motorboating!
Now I'm pretty confident there is nothing wrong with the Pultec itself, the unit was previously operating fine appart from the crackling noise. The only part I've changed since then is the 1k resistor that burnt out. I've checked all the grounds, bypass caps, resistor values, valves.
Anyone know what the inductance of the windings of this transformer should be? I'm kicking myself for not taking measurements before sending it off for a rewind! Anyone got any ideas of where they'd go from here? I'm starting to question my own sanity!
So I sent the transformer off again. Wired it back into the Pultec, no smoke this time! But it was squealing around 16khz, whichever way the feedback winding was connected. Bypassed the negative feedback winding by connecting the 360ohms feedback resistors straight to the 1k on the centre tap, then that amp was stable but obviosuly not unity gain. I scoped the output of the feedback winding, checking freq response and phase, -3dB at 6.6Khz with 90° phase shift, turning a full 180° by 27khz.
So the transformer went back again. They realised the previous fault would have put DC current through the windings and probably demagetised the laminations. So they pumped 50Hz through it to sort that out, primary inductance went from 18H up to 24H. Got the transformer back, put it in the Pultec. Now it's motorboating!
Now I'm pretty confident there is nothing wrong with the Pultec itself, the unit was previously operating fine appart from the crackling noise. The only part I've changed since then is the 1k resistor that burnt out. I've checked all the grounds, bypass caps, resistor values, valves.
Anyone know what the inductance of the windings of this transformer should be? I'm kicking myself for not taking measurements before sending it off for a rewind! Anyone got any ideas of where they'd go from here? I'm starting to question my own sanity!