Phrazemaster said:
I read an article about Quantum Computing and it said they will be able to hack our passwords in seconds.
Strictly speaking, few people use passwords that can't be hacked in seconds.
Most people use words with symbols for replacement letters and numbers.
You can brute force any 8-character password of random digits -- a typical requirement on most websites -- in about 6 hours.
(GPUs are used to get more threads.)
Of course, every digit above 8 increases the time needed by, well, a lot, assuming you are actually using the full available ANSII character set -- but then again, most people don't use anything except letters and numbers, because that's what they're told is required. (One of my security quizzes over the summer insisted that a 17-digit password with non-alphanumeric characters was bruteforceable. Feel free to work out the calculations per second required to calculate that within the heat death of the universe.)
Modern password attacks are typically done through dictionary attacks. Dictionaries (not just of English words but of passwords) can be bought or traded from people who obtain or crack batches of passwords, and these are tested for access. It's unbelievable what kind of percentage this will get you. You could take a batch of hundreds of passwords and you might end up with a few that don't get broken, and then you can just dump those onto a machine that brute forces them if you really need them.
By the time we get to quantum computers that can be used outside a lab and bought by your average basement dweller that surpass the calculation capabilities of a tower full of GPUs, we may have come up with something other than passwords. We've already hit the point where IMO it's unrealistic to expect everyone to have a unique password of sufficient strength for all their critical online activities. Eventually we're going to have to accept that expecting people to type characters into a website, or maintain a secure password manager on a device, is just not sustainable and come up with a better way of verifying identity for actually important stuff, the same way we do that in real life.
Feel free to also worry about someone proving NP = P with a constructive proof. That would forever invalidate any form of cryptography that relies on calculations taking longer to undo than to do.