Question about cross-coupled balanced output circuits

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
Florida (Previously UK)
Hey Jaakko,

That version doesn;t work all that well. SSL and (I think) soundcraft used that version (using only 2 op-amps) and the output balance stability is pretty awful.

You really need a 3-opamp version (with a unity-gain inverter to split the signal at the front end) to make things more reliable. -Basically, this version is indeed very fussy about what it sees.


There's a really good paper lying around somewhere that has the layout and details for this improved design. I'll see if I can find it...


In the 4000 E-series they found on the multitrack buss outputs that this circuit tended to go out of balance a lot. The solution was to add a third op-amp to generate a polarity inversion and start from there. Later G-series cards (from memory) had this version of the circuit. At my old studio we went so far as to piggy-back polarity inverters onto the old boards to generate better balance. The main problem was that if one leg went hotter and the other leg went colder, the headroom got a bit messy and actually varied from channel to channel theoretically by up to as much as 6dB...

I'll see if I can sketch something up.

this is what Fred Forssell mentioned to me when I asked him about the G.D Pontis x-coupled O/P stage....I hope he doesn't mind me copying/pasting.....

Does it suffer from possible instability because of the mixture of positive and negative feedback?

No, it is quite stable. Gain can be dialed into the topology, but at a cost
of comprimise to the "floating" quality of the design.

You MUST think of this topology as a transformer secondary.
You would not (and could not) take a signal from only on side of a transformer's secondary, right? Don't do it with this design either, even though you could and have it "work". Common mode performance is handled properly when the design is used just like a transformer.

I notice a few TBA values on your schematic - trim pots for CMRR etc. I
would really like to know how the values in the circuit are determined.

The actual values can be fairly randomly chosen, BUT the ratio of values and the matching is very important. I think the ratio of input resistor value to the feedback and cross-couple R value should be no greater than 0.5. Equal value input and feedback R's, (ratio=1) are ok (I think) but be careful about increasing the ratio. Also important is that the circut see a low source impedance.

I think that you can eliminate the cmrr trim pots that I drew, use equal 0.1% matched resistors on the input side of the design and equal 0.1% matched resistor on the feedback/x-coupling side of the design and be fine.

Treat this design EXACTLY like a transformer coupled output. Let it drive
balanced loads or unbalanced (single-ended) loads but ALWAYS take the signal between pins 2 and 3... just like a transformer, never between pins 1 and 2 or 3.

I don't remember how various load type effects cmr, but I don't think it
does at all. It should be the same, but don't quote me!

Well as Fred says, don't quote him....just passing the info along....

I haven't had time to go back to this design and have a play with it, but I mean too...doesn't sound too hot after reading Keiths post above!

Keith, is it essential to have all 3-opamps the same type when you go for the 3-stage design? i.e could the invverter be OPA604 and the main O/P amps Forssells?

There is a four-stage design kicking about too. Crookwood use a variation of it in their mastering consoles.

The Barry Porter EQ that NYD posted has an example of it. Supposedly a very solid O/P stage:

[quote author="TomWaterman"]Keith, is it essential to have all 3-opamps the same type when you go for the 3-stage design? i.e could the invverter be OPA604 and the main O/P amps Forssells?[/quote]
By all means use a TL07x, Ne55xx or preferred flavour op-amp for the inverter.

These things look at an unbalanced load (in the sense of 600Ω from pin 2 to ground and open circuit from pin 3 to ground) as if the 600Ω was a comparative short to ground compared to the open leg. That 'slews' the output balance and consequently the feedback difference starts the rest.

I'll see if I can dig up a 3-op-amp version for ya.

This circuit as discussed in the Rane note
suffers from loss of headroom and as stated above cannot drive
a good signal if one side of the balanced signal is grounded.
It will dump signal into ground.
Real the Rane not I am explaining it very poorly.

Funny good ole transformers never had all
these problems. And they sound better too.
Dunno if anyone has a copy of the sound engineers handbook by Glen Balou, but there two different examples of the three op-amp diff.out in there.
