Hi Deepdark,
first of all i would like to thank you for your interest on our Fester Bakelite knob line. We research worldwide nice looking quality knob manufacturers and yes Sato Parts is one of them we work together with for a very long time to also offer these knobs in Europe and variouse custom versions as the exclusive Don-Audio 1/4 shaft version of this nice looking knob collection.
I also saw/read the message of mjrippe which states some wrong facts:
mjrippe said:
The original bakelite knobs have markings that say either RCA or VIZ in a small circle on the back... link says "These knobs look similar to vintage RCA console or NOS bakelite knobs." - which means they are cheap plastic copies.
NOS stays for "New old Stock" (often to find in Surplus stores) which has nothing to do with bakelite material nor is it a declaration for a type of any material.
Also RCA has nothing to do with bakelite. RCA was a brand which made audio consoles but in fact they used quality bakelite knobs on their consoles which had a very similar shape. This is the reason i called them RCA style knobs but it is NOT a trademark, declaration or insign for bakelite knobs.
Bakelite or Phenol is also not plastic mjrippe. You can find on most every product page the specific material declaration on Don-Audio and when there is stated Phenol or Bakelite then the knob is a bakelite knob like the whole Fester line which is an absolute amazing Japan quality.
The difference between plastic and bakelite is very well explained here:
I also saw here a message the chinese would use the same mold

No, definitely not. I compared the chinese and our Fester knobs and the chinese knobs have a different shape and the chinese ones are made of plastic and have only one very ruff placed screw and not such a nice glossy finish like our bakelite knobs.
If you have any questions to our product range, you are welcome to send a message or email. Also for big qty orders we can make a special price for our custom 1/4 inch Fester knobs as we are official Europe supplier partner from Sato.
I hope i could clarify some points that moved in completely wrong directions here...
Best wishes
from Don-Audio