That original supply has two chokes and a power transformer, it's pretty standard in approach. It also requires a pretty expensive power rheostat for voltage adjustment, I'd think you'd be looking at a $150 at least in parts just to get started, assuming you have an enclosure already.
I have an 87-A and 41-B's as well. I have seen DIY pairs of 87's done using original transformers, including a single original PT, so it would seem you could even consider tapping B+ from your 87 to feed your 41-B. That would need an additional dropping resistor and filter cap, since there's about 240V at the PSU section output. I wouldn't advise going higher B+ than stock on a 41-B since current feeds through the output transformer, with unknown current safety margin.
As standalone, I would get the International Power regulated supply which covers that voltage range (about $60 last I looked) and be done with it. If you put that in an enclosure and leave room for multiple power output connectors, it'll power a pretty large number of similar things, should you get more in the future.
I track this old RCA in a database, love to know which model and serial # of 41-B, if you feel like revealing it. There aren't a lot of them out there anymore. I put a bunch of data in another 41-B 41B thread here recently.