Really cheap 500 modules and racks

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Ethan said:
It's a strange paradox.  If a successful "high-end" company starts developing more cost-effective products often the consumer perception is that they've "sold out" and started making cheap junk.  But it's likely they have learned to be more cost-effective and efficient (and more marketable).  There are many companies that develop great products at an affordable price point.

I think the bigger problem in pro audio is that we don't have any real objective, quantifiable standards to judge performance.  As soon as someone touts a product based on real specs, someone else comes along and says, "Puh! Specs don't matter, it's all about the souuund man!".  And round and round it goes.

When in doubt, DIY! 8)


Actually the gear has pretty much outrun the bench measurements (its all good), so the marketing pukes need to invent merchantable differences when few (none) exist.

When technology provides cost cutting it generally filters into market across the board. I recall when professional power amps costing $1/watt were considered cheap. Now thanks to maturing class D technology it's a fraction of that... The high end amp makers are scrambling to add features (like DSP)  to retain the high (price) ground.

I just heard another report of a new 500 EQ that's being pimped hard appearing to draw 0.5A per slot.  Checked the site, no specs!  Can't personally verify, so shall not be named.  Just do your homework when buying! 