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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
My ip has just been banned by I cannot access the web site let alone the forums.

Yesterday I got PMs from the administrator advertising a song writing contest. Now in my view that is not what PMs are for - that sort of thing can be announced on the forum in the usual way. So I PM'd back asking him politely not to send me spam PMs.

Today I got this PM from him in my regular email:

Hi Ian,
You can choose to not have me or anyone pm you in your account settings. I can also remove your account if you'd like?.

When I go the the site to reply I find my ip is banned. Seems a tad heavy handed to me.


I got that same email. It seemed very unprofessional and VERY spammy. Asking to participate in a song contest for a commercial product and then a link to his submission.

Good on you for speaking your mind. Seems very uncool to have banned you.
Jean Clochet said:
Did you get banned by the guy Bigtree?  If you did, you're in OK company.
He's an idiot.

Yes, it was Bigtree. How did someone like that get to be an admin?


This forum actually grew out of the 'tech-talk' part of 'the other place'.

Many, many members were banned for minor infringements, including myself. I think it all started over being asked to pay for PMs. I can't remember the details, but there were toys, prams, and throwing. And 'bigtree' was on of those doing the throwing.

That was 2004-06-03! And we're extremely grateful to Prodigy Pro and Ethan for finding a better home for us ever since.
Turns out this guy bigtree OWNS according to whois.  His name is Christopher Bialuski.


gemini86 said:
try using a proxy if you need to keep contact with people there...

Yes, I used anonymouse to try to get to my old account but it seems to have been deleted. So I registered with a different monica and email which it seems he has not twigged yet. LOL


I just did a Google on circuit ideas and came up with a TT discussion from 2003 at that site...

Yes I remember the old forum and the banning BS that occurred back in '04.

It all started when the admin and owner Bigtree from Vancouver Canada I believe was going to publish all the main DIY, help , howto,  threads (LA2A, G9, G7 etc etc ) that were design related into a book. Everyone protested that these were not his Copyright, or he did not have permission. 

He replied that as owner of the forum all the content belonged to him regardless of who posted it.
That we should be grateful he was allowing us to occupy his forum in the first place. blah blah.
And we consumed so much bandwidth he didn't even want us there so we were double lucky he was willing to put up with us.

Soon anyone who protested was banned. Or just left. I was one of the first to go as well. 
The new forum was started.

That is how I remember those events... I could be wrong but that seems like a pretty detailed account for my brain to just make up on me.


thermionic said:
I just did a Google on circuit ideas and came up with a TT discussion from 2003 at that site...


That's odd, and a bit scary. I thought we'd all been deleted? Certainly it was off-line or hidden for many years.

I remembered the split as being about charging for private messaging, or some other deal about charging for use. A long time ago now - we lost some good info at the time but gained much more. My memory could be wrong!
just went to the website quickly and saw something that might make y'all laugh...

there's an ad for an SPL M/S Master.... (

The big slide in the ad just said "the privilege of access"

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