Matt Syson
Well-known member
A bit late to this 'capacitor party' but the cap pictured in the original post is indeed 10pF ceramic and as commented later on it will have practically no bearing on the 'sound' as the op amps aren't fast enough to really need them for stability and as it is a fair distance (signal path) from input or output they were simply placed for 'good manners' in the original design.
The failing 0.1uF multilayer ceramics were undoubtedly a 'batch problem because they appeared on a handful of desks built over a few month time period and they were 50 Volt working (so fine for 17 Volt rails) and even failed occasionally on 5 Volt ligic circuits such as switch debouncing activity where switches would then fail to toggle channel mute for example.
Dead channel 10 and you have tried several modules; then it is a channel POSITION problem such as damaged connector or a wiring problem. On occasions I have been told there are channel problems and it is actually something outside the mixer completely after having spent 5 hours driving to visit the studio to discover jack plugs strewn on the floor that were partial shorting an output.
The failing 0.1uF multilayer ceramics were undoubtedly a 'batch problem because they appeared on a handful of desks built over a few month time period and they were 50 Volt working (so fine for 17 Volt rails) and even failed occasionally on 5 Volt ligic circuits such as switch debouncing activity where switches would then fail to toggle channel mute for example.
Dead channel 10 and you have tried several modules; then it is a channel POSITION problem such as damaged connector or a wiring problem. On occasions I have been told there are channel problems and it is actually something outside the mixer completely after having spent 5 hours driving to visit the studio to discover jack plugs strewn on the floor that were partial shorting an output.