Great news, I located and fixed the problem!
I re-checked all solder joints and PCB traces without any result. So, getting tired of this seemingly unfixable reverb issue, I decided to re-check every wire that has something to do with the reverb recovery. I touched and moved them before, but now I really took the time to move and bend every single inch of each and every wire, taking a least 5 or more seconds per inch. First few wires passed the test, but then I began testing the wire that goes from the reverb tank output to the recovery PCB board. I was already gently bending and moving a certain point of that wire for more than 10 seconds, really where one would conclude "ok, nothing happens, this piece looks to be ok", when all of a sudden I heard some crackling! So I started moving that piece more and more, tapping the reverb tank, when all of a sudden I could hear the reverb break through once in a while. When I held the wire in a certain position, the reverb was working, but when I let it go, reverb disappeared.
Long story just to tell you guys I simply replaced that wire (as well as the input wire, as both wires are very thin and fragile) and the reverb is back in full glory!
Still one thing I would like to ask: how come that when I did this short-thing (touching that point on the PCB with a clip wire to ground) the reverb always kicked in again? Eventually it always disappeared again, but that short-thing could always bring it back too. So I would like to know how that was possible.
In short: problem solved! Thanks to everyone for the great help!