> thought the reason for corrugating the ribbon was to prevent a low resonant frequency.
No, corrugations decrease the bass resonant frequency. The zig-zag ribbon is less stiff, and also has more mass. If you stretched the foil it would resonate at 500 Hz (just-not-slack) to 5,000 Hz (about to snap). To get down to 50Hz, where you want to be, it either has to be so slack that it wants to fall out of the magnetic field, or you zig-zag it. You don't want a big zig-zag (a long ribbon bent into a short length) because the mass is high.
And the other reason is: the foil is a metal bar, same as a Xylophone. The end-to-end ring is damped but (as in a Xylophone hit off-center) ) there is a side to side ringing that isn't damped. Being very small and thin, it rings around 6KHz. And because you don't hit it, it may not ring at all. But you can't make every mike perfect, and tiny asymmetry can ring on transients. Corrugation stiffens the cross-ringing and shifts it up above 10KHz, where air damps it and the bent-foil also adds damping.