RIP fellow GDIY member "kidvybes"

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I'm so sorry to hear about this!

Thanks for letting me know Henk. I didn't want to muddy the last thread with a reply, but man...sad!!!
Yeah, I wrote sort of an In Memoriam, but later deleted that and linked to the Gearslutz thread.
I was too much in shock, I guess.

In hindsight, I should have left my first ponderings there.

Anyway,  Dennis Stone was a truly special guy. Of course this could come across as a cliché. It's what people say when someone passes. But those who even remotely knew Dennis will know it's true. The guy gave much more than he took.
And he was a greater mic addict than I am, if that means something. Talk about passion!

After two months, the shock hasn't  quite been replaced by something else, whatever that will be.
I  miss him and think about him every single day.
And I never met him in the flesh.
How weird is that?
