RME ADI-8 Pro issue

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2014
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

I have a RME ADI-8 Pro in my bench that powers on but all lights go up and nothing happens. All lights stay on. no sound, no change pressing any button.

- all voltages are correct +15/-15/+5/+3.3v

- nothing is overheating (using a thermal camera). highest value was around 70ºC

- nothing seems shorted too
all lights go up and nothing happens

My first suspicion for most gear that has all the interface lights turn on is that there is a microcontroller of some kind running the front panel and it has stopped working. I'm not sure about the ADI-8, I saw a line in some of the RME specs about being FPGA based, so it is possible there is just a microcontroller core in the FPGA, not a separate processor, which would make it really difficult to debug.