Today, a couple of transformers from UTM arrived. They have a much higher inductance than the Edcors, and I want to try them as interstage transformers. The reason for this is that I had to lower the anode resistors of the Vari-Mu stage to preserve bass response. I assume this is causing some low-frequency distortion. While the distortion isn’t always unpleasant, it is higher than stated in the original manual.
Connected to this issue is the metering circuit, which will need some adjustments then.
Additionally, the layout of the output gain requires slight modifications.
Once these three issues are resolved—hopefully by next week—I can order the V3 PCBs, assemble and test them. Since these are minor changes, I don’t expect any issues with the new PCBs. The main task will be updating the Mouser basket.
If everything works as expected with the V3 PCBs, I’ll reach out to all of you to check if you’re still interested.