Samar Audio Design TF08 Capsules

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
Salt Lake City
For a limited time we are offering our newest capsules, found in our high-end microphones Omni8 Audio TF08 to the DIY community. First 50 pcs will be sold for $200, plus $10 domestic, or $27 worldwide shipping.

This capsule was designed to work without DC to DC converter, and works perfectly with 30-40V bias and any low current draw linear circuit, such as Schoeps, or classic transformer coupled circuits, for example KM84, or U47. Our High End dual bobbin transformer would be a perfect match for such circuits for an ultimate transformer coupled microphone. It might be also a perfect match for RF microphones.

The capsule’s body is pre-drilled for use with standard Chinese mount (mount not included). For extra $79 we can supply our own mount, similar to one used in our Omni8 Audio TF08 microphone. Please note, this version has different mount than Chinese one, so they are not interchangeable. Please specify when ordering.

This cardioid capsule is a single sided, vented, 3-chambered design. The 1st and 2nd chambers shape the capsule's frequency response, and the 3rd sets time delay. This 3-chamber independence allows precise optimization of all parameters. It also ensures superior phase integrity in off axis response, so the capsule takes EQ very well. It also uses internal frequency dependent screen to ensure good and uniform cardioid pattern throughout entire frequency range. The screen also controls proximity, making it much less dependent on the distance to the source. The elimination of the capsules parasitic capacitances ensures low distortion and ultimate transparency, providing a very realistic sound picture. 

For more details, discussions and sound samples please refer to:

Delivery 4-6 weeks. For details and orders please follow this link:
Guff said:
When will these capsules be shipping?

Hello Guff,

I already answered it in another thread, but will post here as well.

A quick update:

Thank you all for your support and patience! As it usually happens, the new products take more time than we initially think it would. We are trying to make the very best product we possibly can and were testing new very low moisture absorption materials to significantly improve capsule's immunity to the moisture. We tried quite a few materials and were already very close to the final assembly and starting sending the capsules out. Unfortunately, completely unexpectedly I had to make the last minute overseas trip until second week of August. We will start sending the capsules right after my coming back.

Again, sorry for the delay.

Best, M
Mrosso said:
Any update on when these will be going out?

Most of the orders are on their way, so you should receive them shortly. The only two remain orders are with capsule pairs--we will need to match them and put into mail early next week.

Over the weekend I will post here instructions, so stay tuned.

Best, M
Hey folks,

A few things about handling our capsules :

1) Each capsule comes with a protective Mylar circle taped to the front. Do not remove it until you completely install the capsule and ready for the final body assembly, so the diaphragm stays protected. Make sure to completely to remove tape, so it does not interfere with air passages on the back of the capsule.
2) The capsules come in protective plastic boxes and in ziplocked bags with a fresh silica pack inside. Once you remove the capsule from the bag make sure to squeeze out air and immediately seal the bag with silica pack, so it stays fresh and effective for future use. Should you expose it to the open air for some 5+ minutes it will saturate and you will need to replenish it to make effective again.
3) We do not advise to unscrew the nuts, which secure capsule wires on the back of the capsule, as they part of the backplate capacitance setting. If for any reason you feel you need to do it please contact us.
4) Two screws for capsule mounting on a holder are 0-80 Imperial thread. Please, use Allen wrenches--either 0.050" for Imperial, or 1.27mm for Metric sizes will work well. Please, do not try to use Chinese metric screws for those holes. Also, since the screws go into plastic insulators it is very easy to strip the threads. Please make sure the screws go perpendicular into the holes and do not apply force.
5) Trim the capsule wires going into the circuit only after you install the capsule into the holder. Make sure to leave some extra 1/2"-1" length... if anything, in case later you decide to use with another circuit.
6) After you are done soldering make sure you thoroughly clean all the joints to remove any flux residue. Otherwise, besides corrosive properties of flux, it can also introduce resistance in hi Z circuit and increased noise.
7) To avoid any parasitic capacitance make sure your wires do not go in parallel close to each other. Also, make sure your wires do not go anywhere close to ground. For going through holes in metal grounded parts make sure to use plastic spacers to keep the wires in the middle of the holes.
8) Originally, I designed these capsules for working without DC to DC converter with low current draw circuits, so the bias voltage is around 40V. The capsules however, can work with a wide range of bias voltages up to 80V and you might find that the sonic signature will change with different settings. We would suggest to experiment to find your favorite tone for your application. Please note, with higher bias the output will increase, so your SPL handling will decrease... something to keep in mind to achieve the best compromise between desired sonics, output level, and SPL.
9) Since the capsule has an excellent low end extension for some application you might find it necessary to limit it, to avoid low end rumbling and head amp overloading. There are numerous ways of doing it. If unsure please contact us.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Best, M
Hello Marik,

thank you for informations. Pleas could you link the imperial screws they fit the capsule? Ebay/farnell/mouser link?
I ordered two capsules (matched pair). Perhabs they arent on its way yet. Could you include those screws in package?

Thank you

Vac11 said:
Hello Marik,

thank you for informations. Pleas could you link the imperial screws they fit the capsule? Ebay/farnell/mouser link?
I ordered two capsules (matched pair). Perhabs they arent on its way yet. Could you include those screws in package?

Thank you



The capsules do include the screws.

Best, M

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