Science vs Scientism

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Like a giant HOA

I do not know what HOA means. Would be good to know.

My wife's cousin and her husband are over here from Italy, having a short break (as 2023 World Cycling Championship is held in Glasgow). Both of them are retired pharmacologist academics, very high calibre people and as green as one can get when it comes to environment. We were having a chat today, and the husband's comment was "science is not the truth". Obviously we are not setting out to undermine science here, but at the same time we have to be extremely careful not to fall into the hands of science religion as pointed out in the article in the given link.
I do not know what HOA means. Would be good to know.

My wife's cousin and her husband are over here from Italy, having a short break (as 2023 World Cycling Championship is held in Glasgow). Both of them are retired pharmacologist academics, very high calibre people and as green as one can get when it comes to environment. We were having a chat today, and the husband's comment was "science is not the truth". Obviously we are not setting out to undermine science here, but at the same time we have to be extremely careful not to fall into the hands of science religion as pointed out in the article in the given link.
He sounds like a smart guy! Keep us posted.
the moral "othering" people due to their differences from the group and casting them out came about as a behavior during our time in highly resource-limited settlements where we had to be super risk-averse and now that we have more resources i hope we can change as a species and not be this way anymore. ideological totalitarianism is an outdated and ineffective survival strategy, but all that being said, i really wish people would construct arguments without the apparent secondary goal of competing to see who can bring up the holocaust the most. is someone keeping score somewhere? do guest writers get paid $5 per holocaust reference? it just comes off as a random appeal to emotion.
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Well, I've said it before, Scientism is a religion without accountability. When prophets make prophecies and these prophecies failed to be fulfilled, the prophet is deemed a fake prophet, or the religion/cult a fake religion. But these modern-day science prophets of doom keep prophesizing prophecies that simply do not occur, yet, they are never deemed fake because they can simply say something like "we didn't have enough data back then" or "we didn't know something back then that we do now know, so listen to me now".

That, and also fake promises like "If you get the jab you won't get sick", later to be modified to "well, if you took the jab and boosters you might get sick but you won't die", later to be modified to something like "humanity will probably have to get boosters every six months for eternity". All these are paraphrases, but they pretty much sum up what happened.

Scientism behaves as a religion, but without accountability, when they fail at something, either a prediction or a "fact", they can just claim "well, this is how science works", yes but they don't act like that when they are preaching something like if it was Gospel truth.
Scientism behaves as a religion, but without accountability, when they fail at something, either a prediction or a "fact", they can just claim "well, this is how science works", yes but they don't act like that when they are preaching something like if it was Gospel truth.
What an absolutely hilarious sentence.
I'll try to steelman Volker. I imagine he is thinking classically, that the scientific process is built on accountability; data collection is rigorous and scientists expect to be held to a high standard. Failure is a necessary component to finding out which paths are worth exploring. As well I imagine Volker feels that (real) scientists don't preach, they quantify.

Volker you ought to read the article. It is fair to say that many scientists believe rather than know about things outside their expertise.

My personal opinion is that the publishing methods of mainstream science has been co-opted by political and military powers, and in some cases has been turned into forms of scientism by the masses.
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