Silicon Valley censorship/bias

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I guess you don't know any FB employees.

I did. You are throwing all of them in one very biased basket. That's easy. The ones I know, left the company when it became clear that Zuckerberg et al didn't care about things like democracy, freedom, or even good old-fashioned fairness.

Zuckerberg only cares about one thing: Zuckerberg. He doesn't care about politics at all. Just goes with the side that he thinks is best for him.

Yes, it is about team spirit.

When their teamleader resigned, they all resigned too. Not because he asked them to. But probably because they saw no future in an abusive company that has no ethics at all.

It's not all black and white. These are human beings and they have their weak and strong points.

Do you think everyone at Monsanto, or Cargill stands behind their companies' crimes? Some of them just need to make a living and are willing to take the abuse and close their eyes for everything that's blatantly wrong. Having a family might just put you in that position...

I've talked to a few people on the exec level at these companies, that share my concern. They'll never publicly admit it, but they too, are only in it for the money.
I don't watch youtube videos, but to brand the "Silicon Valley elite" as "left" is absurd.
Maybe this was responded to (I'll check afterwards), but I had to pause for a fun reply:
Shouldn't a truth claim-- so confident as to render opposing views absurd-- not begin by suggesting the author may lack data on the subject?

Edit: Still got love for ya, LS.  :D
living sounds said:
I don't watch youtube videos, but to brand the "Silicon Valley elite" as "left" is absurd.

If anything, these people are libertarians. They reap the fruit of government (= taxpayer) funded research and tell (and probably believe) fairy tales how they innovated all by themselves. They believe in making as much money as they can and paying as little taxes as they can get away with. They're secretly planning on how to stay at the top after the societal collapse they are helping to advance (no kidding).

It's precisely due to these Silicon Valley types (as well as "traditional" rightwing outlets fuelled by big money conservaties like Fox News and talk radio) that people watch Youtube videos, read Facebook and Twitter posts etc. filled with misinformation.

I hope it doesn't take WW3 to finally burst that bubble...

Silicon Valley/The San Francisco bay area is one of the most left/liberal parts of the United States.
Cyrano, i appreciate you adding your personal experience. I trust that the executives you've met, and potentially many others as well are not left leaning, but they are gears in a much larger machine. And unfortunately that machine is partially working in opposition to the conservative / libertarian content provider. That is, if those content creators can be found to have made any gaff, taboo, or mistake of speech that can be interpreted to be hateful, no matter how far into the past it occurred, no matter the context surrounding the incident.

Take the time to look at who's being de-monetized, or driven off of many social media platforms in the past few years and a pattern emerges: a person's politics is a key factor in how SV decides to play inquisitor, and how severe the punishment is to be once a violation of terms of service is found. 

If you'd rather not seek to verify these claims, then perhaps the example of Steven Crowder would best sum it up.  He's right leaning (admittedly an irrevent, shock-jock comedian)  that loves to skirt the edge, and he's paying for it (btw Remember that nut Alex Jones?).

On Crowder:
boji said:
Cyrano, i appreciate you adding your personal experience. I trust that the executives you've met, and potentially many others as well are not left leaning, but they are gears in a much larger machine. And unfortunately that machine is partially working in opposition to the conservative / libertarian content provider. That is, if those content creators can be found to have made any gaff, taboo, or mistake of speech that can be interpreted to be hateful, no matter how far into the past it occurred, no matter the context surrounding the incident.

That's two things:

- First, I've had to deal with a lot of executives. Most are just plain capitalists and they only care about politics if it pertains to The Company. I'd call them "liberals", but in the strict, economic sense.

- The ones I see as true nazis, are a minority. They seem to know one another very well, even if it's not always apparent. An example: Baron de Bonvoisin. Not apparent in everyday politics. Also called "The black baron". He was on the board of directors of a number of large companies and non-profits. He seemed to be financing a number of right-wing groupuscules. "Front de la jeunesse" was one of them. I met him while doing research about a group called "Westland New Post", some 35 years ago. It was clear from the beginning that WNP wasn't your average groupuscule. They never lacked money, for instance. They also were linked to the "Nivelles killers" gang. A gang that robbed supermarkets, getting very little loot, but killing lots of people. I'm pretty certain de Bonvoisin wasn't financing WNP. It ended when the leader hanged himself. I knew that guy. I can't believe he would kill himself, let alone by hanging. He was an arms lover and loathed people who tried hanging themselves. He called it "dishonourable". I'm pretty certain WNP and the Nivelles gang were both efforts to destabilise Belgian govt.

Those are the real, dangerous nazis. Money is not their leitmotiv. Power is.

The other thing is Youtube and demonitisation. It might look like it's left-wing oriented, but it isn't. Lots of channels that don't have anything to do with politics have been hit too. A few people even committed suicide. In one case, it was interesting enough to follow: Cody's lab. CL is about science, not politics. The guy maybe is a bit weird, but he's no fool. He got a visit from the FBI because some of his chemistry stuff just might teach someone to make a bomb. That was soon cleared up and he's more cautious now.

This example shows that it's YT just following new guidelines. fi, all vids about "hacking" computers are forbidden. Even when the bigger ones, eg from Blackhat, are still around.

The problem is the sector "hate speech". That's even more vaguely defined than hacking. There were also a lot more hate vids from religious and white supremacy groups around than leftist propaganda. The anti-vaccination groups, for instance have also been declared not-allowed. And those aren't politic, in general. Hec, even some vids about food supplements are gone. And these guys manage to use the fact that YT forbids their vids as a publicity weapon. It's forbidden, so it must be good/true?

Personally, I'm against all forms of censorship. But this wave doesn't bother the real nazis one bit. They operate in the dark. Not on YT...

Take the time to look at who's being de-monetized, or driven off of many social media platforms in the past few years and a pattern emerges: a person's politics is a key factor in how SV decides to play inquisitor, and how severe the punishment is to be once a violation of terms of service is found. 

Who's SV?

If you'd rather not seek to verify these claims, then perhaps the example of Steven Crowder would best sum it up.  He's right leaning (admittedly an irrevent, shock-jock comedian)  that loves to skirt the edge, and he's paying for it (btw Remember that nut Alex Jones?).

On Crowder:

I'd like to be able to quantise this wave of censorship. But I can't. It's too hard and somewhat dangerous to try and classify these vids. What's right wing to one person, might be center, or even left wing to another...

I've been studying Google since it started. There's certainly some stuff goin' on. But it's not a left wing bias. Google was started with CIA capital. I wouldn't call the CIA left wing. Would you?

If I was American, i would worry a lot more about voting computers and all sorts of trickery with voter's registration and so on. And AFAICT, both sides have dirty hands when it come to that last one. But the major question is "Who is using that backdoor in the voting computers?"
cyrano said:
That's two things:

- First, I've had to deal with a lot of executives. Most are just plain capitalists and they only care about politics if it pertains to The Company. I'd call them "liberals", but in the strict, economic sense.

- The ones I see as true nazis, are a minority. They seem to know one another very well, even if it's not always apparent. An example: Baron de Bonvoisin. Not apparent in everyday politics. Also called "The black baron". He was on the board of directors of a number of large companies and non-profits. He seemed to be financing a number of right-wing groupuscules. "Front de la jeunesse" was one of them. I met him while doing research about a group called "Westland New Post", some 35 years ago. It was clear from the beginning that WNP wasn't your average groupuscule. They never lacked money, for instance. They also were linked to the "Nivelles killers" gang. A gang that robbed supermarkets, getting very little loot, but killing lots of people. I'm pretty certain de Bonvoisin wasn't financing WNP. It ended when the leader hanged himself. I knew that guy. I can't believe he would kill himself, let alone by hanging. He was an arms lover and loathed people who tried hanging themselves. He called it "dishonourable". I'm pretty certain WNP and the Nivelles gang were both efforts to destabilise Belgian govt.

Those are the real, dangerous nazis. Money is not their leitmotiv. Power is.

The other thing is Youtube and demonitisation. It might look like it's left-wing oriented, but it isn't. Lots of channels that don't have anything to do with politics have been hit too. A few people even committed suicide. In one case, it was interesting enough to follow: Cody's lab. CL is about science, not politics. The guy maybe is a bit weird, but he's no fool. He got a visit from the FBI because some of his chemistry stuff just might teach someone to make a bomb. That was soon cleared up and he's more cautious now.

This example shows that it's YT just following new guidelines. fi, all vids about "hacking" computers are forbidden. Even when the bigger ones, eg from Blackhat, are still around.

The problem is the sector "hate speech". That's even more vaguely defined than hacking. There were also a lot more hate vids from religious and white supremacy groups around than leftist propaganda. The anti-vaccination groups, for instance have also been declared not-allowed. And those aren't politic, in general. Hec, even some vids about food supplements are gone. And these guys manage to use the fact that YT forbids their vids as a publicity weapon. It's forbidden, so it must be good/true?

Personally, I'm against all forms of censorship. But this wave doesn't bother the real nazis one bit. They operate in the dark. Not on YT...

Who's SV?

I'd like to be able to quantise this wave of censorship. But I can't. It's too hard and somewhat dangerous to try and classify these vids. What's right wing to one person, might be center, or even left wing to another...

I've been studying Google since it started. There's certainly some stuff goin' on. But it's not a left wing bias. Google was started with CIA capital. I wouldn't call the CIA left wing. Would you?
Their wiki page doesn't mention CIA involvement at all...

I seem to recall a couple stanford students going public for $85 a share and I still kick myself for not buying a bunch.

The recent criticism of google is about them being too friendly with chinese AI researchers, while denying US the same access. If that's the CIA handiwork they are sneakier (and dumber) than I thought.  ::)

If I was American, i would worry a lot more about voting computers and all sorts of trickery with voter's registration and so on. And AFAICT, both sides have dirty hands when it come to that last one. But the major question is "Who is using that backdoor in the voting computers?"
Luckily we have all you guys worrying about us...

Read about In-Q-Tel, John, the CIA's investment firm:

They own a boatload of Google stock. Google maps was entirely funded by the CIA and was later acquired by Google. Has been happening for over 30 years now...

I don't care too much for the recent cries about Google and China. If you want to do business in China, it's the Chinese way.

OK, it isn't nice, but it's business. Not meant to be nice. And if you want to criticise Google, what about IBM and a vast number of others? IBM is currently a partner in the newest super computer in China...
iampoor1 said:
Silicon Valley/The San Francisco bay area is one of the most left/liberal parts of the United States.

I am not talking about the be-sure-to-wear-some-flowers-in-your-hair bay area hippies, but the entrepreneurial elite (CEOs) in Silicon Valley. They mostly subscribe to the "Californian Ideology", which is neo-liberal (not meaning "liberal" in the US vernacular, but economic right-wing) .

ruffrecords said:
I am not confused. I am surprised anyone is surprised. Before Google et al it was the newspaper barons. Nothing has changed, just the players.

And censorship in general was a power dynamic - in the past mostly imposed from religious beliefs. Think book banning, moralizing of movie content, movie ratings. Not a new thing, just different players.
Then internet blew up the power dynamic.  The power of print media, etc all got disrupted by the internet where information could be distributed remotely and rapidly.
The irony of the right wing talking points of political correctness and censorship by Universities / social media companies is it has been planted by the right wing propaganda machine. Owned and run by conservatives (Rupurt Murdock and other conservative media companies) that send a stream of diarrhea out to the dumb Trump base. Consider the obvious authoritarian inclinations of Trump as he throws out criticisms of any media that is not fawning towards him.  My apologies to the dumb Trump voters everywhere if they took that personally.   
The network effect of facebook and other social media companies has restored some of this centralized power but they are struggling on what to do with moderation. As profit driven companies they care about making money not censoring anybody. In comparison to WIkipedia, which has a non-profit, co-operative methodology that is working much better.
An idea that may be helpful actually takes the blockchain idea from cryptocurrencies to create distributed social networks (see: mastadon:
This would possibly eliminate the possibility of censorship - while not addressing the problems of misinformation. Personally, I view education and opportunity without any censorship to be the path forward - as difficult as it will be.

dmp said:
And censorship in general was a power dynamic - in the past mostly imposed from religious beliefs. Think book banning, moralizing of movie content, movie ratings. Not a new thing, just different players.
Then internet blew up the power dynamic.  The power of print media, etc all got disrupted by the internet where information could be distributed remotely and rapidly.
The irony of the right wing talking points of political correctness and censorship by Universities / social media companies is it has been planted by the right wing propaganda machine. Owned and run by conservatives (Rupurt Murdock and other conservative media companies) that send a stream of diarrhea out to the dumb Trump base. Consider the obvious authoritarian inclinations of Trump as he throws out criticisms of any media that is not fawning towards him.  My apologies to the dumb Trump voters everywhere if they took that personally. 
who me??  ;D ;D ;D

The network effect of facebook and other social media companies has restored some of this centralized power but they are struggling on what to do with moderation. As profit driven companies they care about making money not censoring anybody. In comparison to WIkipedia, which has a non-profit, co-operative methodology that is working much better.
An idea that may be helpful actually takes the blockchain idea from cryptocurrencies to create distributed social networks (see: mastadon:
This would possibly eliminate the possibility of censorship - while not addressing the problems of misinformation. Personally, I view education and opportunity without any censorship to be the path forward - as difficult as it will be.

I don't think humans deal with modern social media well... It tends to amplify human's worst personality defects.

Perceptions of bias depend upon your frame of reference. We all have bias and prejudice based on our life experience (it is how we are wired). Not sure even blockchain can fix that, perhaps we need another million years of evolution.

is it has been planted by the right wing propaganda machine.

Man, I was just about to say I was considering Cyrano's ideas then it's followed up with something that is simply not true in the real world:

The speech inside:
The belief outside:

Edit: I'll grant college campuses is not exactly "The real world" but it is supposed to be the place where people are taught to think, and honestly I am embarrassed at how intractable each side can be regarding the exchange of ideas.

it is reasonable to think that some members of the hard left can force platforms like youtube into taking actions that appear to have bias. But why hide their reasoning for demonetizing and deplatforming right leaning content makers? It must be political in nature, otherwise why not adhere to your own rules?
Do some research on the 'political correctness' idea in politics - it didn't start last year at a Jordan Peterson event  ;D
And protests didn't start then either  ;D

George HW Bush gave a speech on it in 1991
It's been a cudgel for right wing propaganda to oppose criticism of conservative ideas.  It's like a wildcard - you can say anything you want: racist, patriarchal, whatever, and respond to the criticism by dismissing it as PC.
It's all about power dynamics.

Personally, I don't agree with censoring any speech. But that includes allowing people to protest outside a speech from a snake oil huckster like Peterson.  He has appealed to incel neckbeards full of resentment out of failing in life. (my apologies to incel neckbeards everywhere).
So this "cudgel" outside queen's university and hundreds of other protests... these are false flags paid for by right?  Yellow vests in France is a right wing conspiracy too?

Edit: "a snake oil huckster"  ::)    Hey run with it.  But there's a cannon of material- literally hundreds of hours of video out there of him, much that is entirely outside of politics that is not snake oil.
Not a conspiracy or false flag at all.
But have some perspective - it isn't left or right - it is human.  There are genuine views that people have the lead them to protest. There are political motives (power) that deliver responses to protests. There are economic motivations that try to capitalize on the whole thing.  I'm talking about the later two.

You might see 30 instances on youtube of University protests. Is that a significant number in a country of 300 million people? Why are you seeing it and where?  It's being shown to you (and magnified) by the media for a reason.

When lists of books were banned and Congress held hearings on unAmerican activities, was that significant? Cause it wasn't that long ago.

But on a positive note, I get to tell my tree hugging friends today I got called an incel neckbeard for mentioning Jordan Peterson, and how the leftist protests at Queen's University is an example where the right isn't funding its own protests for sake of media coverage. 
I see authoritarianism on both sides, but in this day and age in the West the right wing authoritarians are far worse.

In the US, Republicans have most of the power and have used every tool at their disposal to further their extremist agenda: Voter suppression, lies, lies, lies (by media and people all the way up to the lying-as-soon-as-he-opens-his-mouth President), discarding longstanding rules and conventions, human rights abuses of the weak, general Machiavellien behaviours.

Contrast that with overambitious political correctness and a few protestors at universities.

There's just no contest here.
Back on the original post -
For those that don't want to watch the video, here is a transcript

There is more detail on the accusations in this paper by Epstein:

On the 2nd page there's a list of disturbing findings

1) Google manipulates search prompts . This is something that's been in the news - definitely accusations on the more partisan right wing sites. The evidence is Google shows non-negative prompts to the phrase: "Hillary Clinton is".

"Bing and Yahoo displayed what people were actually searching for—mainly negative things about Clinton—but Google displayed only “Hillary Clinton is winning” and “Hillary Clinton is awesome,”  "

My question is how does he know the bing and Yahoo searchs actually were negative (maybe bing and yahoo were biased against clinton?) and why doesn't he back this up since it is crucial to his argument?  Obviously every search site will have tons of searches, and even bots to manipulate the search prompts. What is the 'fair' prompt for a site to use? Negative prompts seem pretty bad applied to any candidate or product.  Maybe Google just eliminated negative prompts?  Did Google display negative prompts for Trump? Seems important but not mentioned.  If Google only displayed positive prompts for both candidates that would be pretty good, right?

2) Google displayed "go vote" - apparently on all search pages. He claims this is voter manipulation because more Democrats use Google? Really?  This is just stupid. 

Voter manipulation is a problem but there are much bigger fish, like highly biased news sites and other online influence tactics. Of social media companies, Google has the weakest network effect. Any email address can interact with gmail. Any browser can search the same internet as Google.  If people want to quit Google they have a pretty narrow moat against competition.
A much stronger case can be made against companies that enjoy a network effect like facebook, since people cannot quit facebook and still interact with their FB friend list.

I can't believe this is considered a big story in comparison to, for instance, voting machine irregularities. Voting machines have proprietary software and the companies are Republican. 

And regarding the 2016 election, private emails were stolen from the DNC and used for a political smear against Clinton - and we know know the Trump campaign knew that privately before anyone else and welcomed the tactic.  That seems a *little* more significant than this Google stuff.
I do not support the below links' channel, their authors, content,  or necessarily their opinions here or elsewhere. I have not vetted their accuracy, but post them below since they are on the topic of Silicon Valley censorship.

NSFW warning: In the second link below, there are pictures of words (not commentary on those words) that some may find offensive.
(links forward to 8itchute vid server)


