Something else to consider

GroupDIY Audio Forum

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:idea: Don't know if it's possible, but what about a viewing preference option that you could change in profile. Some would like to see more individual forums, some like to see everything at once from most recent to oldest. Would it be possible, to have some kind of tag in the initial post for a thread describing which forum the thread should go in, and those who choose to see everyting still could as long as they had everythign set up that way? Just an idea. I personally would like the ability to do both, as it's sometimes usefull to have stuff as subdivided as possible when your looking for something, but other times it's (like when your just killing time and ready up) it's good to see everything. Nathan
I put in my vote for one big forum... or maybe 2 forums the lab and a buy/sell....I agree with previous sentiment regarding the one forum as being part of the success of TT, sometimes I don't even know I was interested in something...
my 2 cents.

[quote author="ikiru"]I put in my vote for one big forum... or maybe 2 forums the lab and a buy/sell....I agree with previous sentiment regarding the one forum as being part of the success of TT, sometimes I don't even know I was interested in something...
my 2 cents.


I think you're right.
B/S/T/Group-Buy might help keep things uncluttered. I vote against any sort of "off-topic" forum - I don't think at the old site many of the group messed with OT forums, and the OT'ness of some threads was part of the vibe. Leave that alone unless it becomes necessary. The one thing is that there's a pace that things are already humming to which means there's a lot to sort through from a given day's posts. If things cool to what they were, the pace will probably be okay.

Yeah, keep them together! I think the idea of a FS/exchange/group-buy forum is good, but not even necessary, really.
Fisrt time I've read this thread so here goes.......

While I understand the sense of community created by having everything in one "room" so to speak, you have to consider what gradually happened at RO as TT new threads were added, some threads with pertinent information were pushed further and further back to the point where they were frequently forgotten. How many newcomers at TT were going to read every index page on the off-chance of finding something.

A couple of months ago I said to Kev that some form of "categorising" (or creating sub-forums) would make it much easier to keep information about specific projects together, thereby making it easier to source information...................Kev, albiet breifly showed signs of agreement, however, given the fact that we had no control over what happened at RO, it wasn't feasable.

Here, we have a chance to improve upon what we had at the old place and make it not only welcoming to new DIY'ers, but also a much better experience........................OR we can stick our heads in the sand by clinging to the "old ways" and risk ending up with another disorganised conglomeration of priceless information.

I was already discussing this with Admin before I found this thread and it is possible a poll will be posted in the near(ish) future.

Please look ahead, not backwards.

ChrisO :cool:
This is what I ment about organizing and structuring in meta-threads:

Would'nt that work? What do you think?

Jakob E.

I'm no expert where this kind of thing is concerend, but yes, that looks as though it may be one option that may work.

FYI, I have all the pages of The Offical SSL Help thread saved, as do one or two other people.

I think Jakob's idea of a meta thread is very helpful in finding information on a single topic. How much work is it to keep up?

I would not like to see topics moved from the main Lab forum though. I have found so many useful things in the big board that I would have missed out on in a more focussed one. I am one of the ones who know only a little about many of the things here but learn so much by accidently bumping into a subject that switches on the eureka light.

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