I glued the 1n914's to the transistors with superglue, wasn't that hard indeed, have to put on some caps, inductors and then the maninboard is done. 8)
The only thing is that 'm waiting for the 24 steps switches to come in (from Finland) so i can have it done with stepped in/outs but i have enough pots to test it, might also come in handy to see how they react so stepped switches are easier to set right.
I will also have a hardbypass (relaybased) instead of the onboard bypass.
I think i will use a 317/337 based PSU for it, i like them more then 78/7915 psu's and since i have a board left for that it's quite easy to do.
Still wondering about the 1n914, why did you go for the 914 instead of the 1n4148 since these are basically the same (google says it's the same) instead of the current it can handle.
Or is it that lower current of the 1n914 that is used for the temp/load compensation? i know.. i'm curious. ;D