Soundcraft Series One PSU rebuild

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Oct 12, 2014
Hi all,
recently rebuilt a Soundcraft Series One and I'm currently running it of my bench PSU - sounds quite nice so I'm going to finish by building a new PSU for it.  There don't seem to be any off-the shelf options that suit: it's a singe rail 0-40 volt PSU. Is there a design I could adapt? I think I'd prefer a regulated supply.  Thanks

I love this desk, very simple and warm sounding. When you said you rebuilt it could you explain further? You re-capped it?
I added direct outs to mine (unbalanced) for 16 post eq pre- amps to track through.  It made it a lot more usable during tracking.
I rebuilt the power supply according to the original design. It's worked great, I replaced the 2 x 4,700uF caps with 10,000uF, and the resistor with a high wattage coiled resistor. The rectifier was replaced with a IXYS FRED bridge rectifier. (probably way over spec'd) 
what is it about the original power supply you don't  like?

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