SSL G Series

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
New Orleans, LA

Anyone ever heard or taken a peep at the insides of one of these?
sort of not related, SSL is now making a rack box that has a J series (I think J) channel strip in it, the pogue at the guitar mart was telling me about it last week, I tried to get him to let me open the top but he was having none of it. apparently its brand new...

Ive never looked inside one of those in the link, but in the land of voodoo and magic dust, I have more than one friend that claims that those dont sound "as good" as the ones that were built into the consoles. Ive never done a comparison for myself, but Ive definitely heard that from a few folks.

Personally, I couldnt see paying that kind of cash for anything full of chips like that...

It's basically what Jakob's box is, but with differential VCAs on each channel, and with two sidechains, with the highest sidechain signal at any given instant turning down both channels.

As far as it not being as good as the consoles, that's almost certainly nonsense, but there's an important perceptual effect to take note of. -In the consoles, switching the compressor in does nothing to degrade the signal, since the VCAs are in at all time (the compressor works on the same VCAs as the master fader has in-circuit at all times) whereas when you patch in the outboard compressor, you're degrading the signal chain.

Basically when you engage the compression on an E or G-series console, you're already accustomed to the sound running through the VCAs... when you patch in the outboard unit there's a sudden "what just happened to my signal" that a good few people seem to experience.

Basically I wouldn't doubt that people hear a problem with the outboard unit... but there's nothing that can be done about it!

The conversations Ive had with the people in the know go like "yeah, the quad is cool, but make sure you get one that was taken out of a console and not the rack mount, the rack doesnt have the mojo..." Generally any conversation where the word mojo comes up is generally hogwash anyway. I do have a neve 83609 which is the vertical 33609 that was mounted in the console, and my console module definitely sounds different than the few 33609s Ive heard, its way poofier. Apparently that 33609 circuit went into many different boxes, the 83609 and then whatever the mono 33114 sized module was, etc. People say "hey whats that, a 33609" and Im all "noooo, its an 83609, it came out of a COOOOOONSOLE". Yes, mine has the voodoo and yes, its totally hogwash... I wish there was an adjustable attack on this fucking thing though, as much as I love it, thats pretty frustrating...

sidetracked, woops.
