[quote author="deanp920"]Nice parts list, Greg! Thank you!
Do you have any other parts lists you might consider sharing?
I also have a parts list for the 1176 clone in a similar style; however, I want to stress that I have not ordered these parts or completed the build. But I did take my time with this list so I think everything is correct. A couple things have come up financially so I had to put the 1176 on hold. But you're welcome to use the parts list I've made and give me feedback if you find any problems or perhaps better parts to use. I've also started a parts list for the G9 tube pre but it's still a work in progress.
Just let me know and I can provide the link.
Also, I can provide anyone who is interested with the actual Excel file, so small modifications can to be made, and the total will automatically update. If you stick with the format I've used, and adjust prices and things, you can make one for your specific SSL.
And thanks to those who have left feedback on my parts list. I'll make the updates, up the revision, and repost the link.