ssm2019 Opinions?

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Sounds very interesting that it is preforming with bjt different than with fet , could you also try opa604 instead of opa404?

Would like to know how it would sound than with opa604/2604

"I Saa-aaaaaaaa-aay!!!"

Is there anyone who has compared different preamps-on-a-chip?

Is the 2019 an improvement over the 2017? Some people say the old 2015 was better sounding than the 2017.

I quite like the BB INA163 for stuff that's supposed to sound clean such as acoustic instruments. Some manufacturers seem to be fairly happy with it. M-Audio uses it in the DMP3 and the Octane. Partially because it is inexpensive, of course. But even Apogee uses it in the Mini-Me and the Mini-MP.

Has anybody compared INA163 and INA103? The latter is more expensive and has a higher voltage rating, but the 163 has a better noise figure, if I remember correctly.
And then there is the INA217 of course, designed as a direct relplacement for the SSM2017. But unlike the 163, the 217 is available in a through-the-hole version, which would make it attractive for cheap & easy DIY. Too bad it's almost impossible to get them here in Germany. At least not in small quantities. And when you buy them on special order, they're just too expensive.
[quote author="Rossi"]Too bad it's almost impossible to get them here in Germany. At least not in small quantities. And when you buy them on special order, they're just too expensive.[/quote]
Which one are you talking about? The INA217? They have them in stock at Arrow, and they cost $4.54 each. Do you want some? I'm going to order some parts from Arrow next week.

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
the opa404 is a quad chip. the preamp on my channel fed into one amp on this chip before being switched to the EQ/monitor/etc. it used to be a tl084 originally, then changed to a lm837 and finally to a opa404. i changed all the dual ICs(,5532s, tl082s) on the two comparison channels to opa2604 or opa2134s(socketed for your pleasure.. :green: ) and the quads to opa404s. all coupling caps are FCs with polypro bypassing if they weren't removed completely. (just the rechipping and recapping changed the sound drastically!) I did the same for the master channels and the buss channels (tl084s and 5532s).

Thanks for the generous offer, Mikkel. I could actually use two INA217s, but I think the money thing might be a bit too complicated. You don't have the Euro in Denmark, do you?
[quote author="Rossi"]Thanks for the generous offer, Mikkel. I could actually use two INA217s, but I think the money thing might be a bit too complicated. You don't have the Euro in Denmark, do you?[/quote]
No, but we do have EU/Euro bank transfers just like Germany, so you can make free (or very cheap) bank transfers to Denmark.

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
SPL made this unit in the 90's and it sold for $699 US.The specs are in German but look at the numbers.
Transmission range is 15Hz-40KHz.

The chips used are 2017(Input),TLO71(Servo),SSM2142(Output).
I own this unit and it sounds great.
I have even cloned it and improved on the design a little and of course the clone sounds even better.The newer SSM2019 helps achieve better performance and the TLO71's can be upgraded to OP275 or better.

Integrated circuits get a bad rap, but as you can see looking at the specs, with the right design you can build a nice clean mic pre for cheap.
SPL took the design for this unit(MikeMan) right out of the pages of an Analog Devices opamp spec sheet.They Changed only a few values.

Look at page 12
yes, I believe that this chips has received it's bad rap because of poor designs. a good design, even the simple reference design works very well. heck, it could have even been something ELSE in the consoles that made these pres seem to sound bad.
Monty Mcguire has described some interesting upgrades to the SSM chips in The Rec Audio Pro newsgroup mainly concerned with upgrading the Symetrix 202 mic pre. He has some interesting observations about compensation components around the chip which impede its bandwidth.His mods basically concern the ssm2015 but is probably applicable to the 2017 2019 ver as well.The single most qualitative improvement in his opinion was to change the o/p chips to Burr Browns
[quote author="ggoerss"]He has some interesting observations about compensation components around the chip which impede its bandwidth.His mods basically concern the ssm2015 but is probably applicable to the 2017 2019 ver as well.[/quote]
No, probably not. The SSM2015 circuit includes some external components (the compensation components mentioned), but the 2017 and 2019 are basically "all-in-on" chips.

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
[quote author="mcs"]
No, but we do have EU/Euro bank transfers just like Germany, so you can make free (or very cheap) bank transfers to Denmark.

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen[/quote]

Well, then... :roll: It would be awfully nice if you could get me two INA217s. I can transfer the money in advance if you want; I think it still takes about 2 weeks within the EU. My e-mail is Andreas-Hau[AT] (insert @ for [AT], of course. Just trying to fool the spam robots)
I just noticed this line on the arrow site: "A $10 handling charge will be added to each line item less than $30."

So does anybody else need some INA217s? If I can reach 7 pcs. of INA217, the fee could be avoided...

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
Well, if nobody else needs those INAs, I guess I'm gonna back out, if you haven't already ordered them. 20 Euros for two of them would be a bit much, I think. But thanks again for your offer, Mikkel!
Hey Rossi just look on the net by Reichelt , it is in germany and you could get some service there , at least i get there better service then in the netherlands.
They can help you to get your 217 from BB.
They deliver them if you would ask them.
I know Reichelt, I have their catalogue. The 217 is not in it, but they do have the 163. I'm thinking about getting a couple of INA163 and soldering them to IC-sockets. I think it should be doable; the 163 isn't that small. The noise figure of the INA163 is actually a bit better than that of the INA217.

Do you have experience with custom ordering from Reichelt?

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