"standard"and "reverse" sex multipin connectors

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Brian Roth

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
Salina Kansas
In another thread on this section, buried in the name calling and insults, a real-world "question" arose.

I encountered this over a decade (two?) ago. On a console (brand forgotten) I saw the connector system used to connect the external PSU to the desk. The shells were a hard plastic vs. the metal commonly used and I was intrigued. I figured out it was an AMP product. Here is a Mouser page:

As you can see, the "standard" vs. "reverse" depends on whether the cable connector has pin or socket contacts inserted into the shell; same with the panel mounted connector.

It took me a bit of head-scratching to decipher how to order all the correct components to fabricate a power cable for a custom product. In my situation, I wanted a panel connector that had "female" contacts at the PSU and "male" pins in the cable mounted connector. At the other end, I wanted the opposite configuration. This was to avoid having "male" pins exposed which carried the supply voltages. The Mouser page I linked is at best confusing, but I sussed it out.

Merely posting this for future readers who may be unfamiliar with the jargon. That info is perhaps buried within the fistfight in another thread. I am a retired engineer and not a fighter. <g>

Otherwise known as “polarizing”. A BNC plug is polarized when a socket contact is in the center.
I am a huge CPC fan. I’ve used them to replace the dodgy Molex PSU conns on MCI consoles. Hi and lo current contacts in the same shell is great designing.
Otherwise known as “polarizing”. A BNC plug is polarized when a socket contact is in the center.
I am a huge CPC fan. I’ve used them to replace the dodgy Molex PSU conns on MCI consoles. Hi and lo current contacts in the same shell is great designing.
CPC? I am not familiar with them.


+1 for CPC. They do Lorlin CK rotary switches for way cheaper than Mouser (and usually than Farnell).
CPC , widely used in the live sound world and generally called Cheap Plastic Connectors. It’s rumoured that Clair Bros had a 40 hour a week employee whose sole job was servicing those. Not robust enough for onstage use but fine for console to rack interfaces. Digital consoles put and end to that. I think I still have a box of the metal shell versions they made for a few years.