Steve Dove session at the BEITC of NAB show, sounds very interesting

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2006
That's Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference, if anyone is attending the NAB show.  Sunday 4/23 sometime. 

Topics such as "Why 0.01% distortion sometimes matters and 30% often doesn't".

Hopefully there'll be a way to check it out afterwards, transcript, video, etc. 

Curious to hear what Steve is up to these days.

He's an old analog boffin, but was working with DSP the last time I spoke with him (last century).

I'm sure his talk will be worthwhile.


PS: I've told this story before but i was backstage with him in a tiny office, with the doors closed, while he was touring with AC/DC several decades ago supporting their PA rig. The road crew thought it would be funny to test fire the cannon shot pyro  (for the fire marshal) right outside our door, without warning us... :eek: :eek:
My god, those cannons are loud too, they hurt at 100 yards with earplugs in. 

I believe his current title is something like 'Minister of Algorithms'. 
Would be extremly interesting, if someone could produce a little video footage of the event. :p

I have his studio sound articles almost memorized and are very fond of his writing style too. I always wondered why there´s no diy version of his micpre to be found. That will be my next project after the SoundcraftSeriesOne.