!!!!! stop putting yourselves down !!!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2004
Roanoke, Virginia. USA.
O.K. people... I read this board a lot. I rarely contribute. I apologize. There are a lot of people posting recently, newbies or whatever, who put themselves down when asking questions. It's just a little pet peve (sp?) of mine. Nobody here is going to get on anyones case because they don't know something. If everyone on here already knew everything there would be no use for the forum. Please...just ask. No more "dumb tube question"... or "I'm a retard please help with feedback stuff". It's very negative. People are courtious to each other on here. Be courtious to yourselves.

Also, on another note, it makes it very hard to search by title when all of the titles have nothing to do with the post. "dumb tube question" doesn't tell us anything about the content of the post. What you're discounting as 'dumb' or 'basic' information may very well be important. If you have a question or concern about a component/circuit/topology/whatever please use it in the title. It will help everyone out.

I know this may seem off topic, but the 'drawing board' forum seems to attract this kind of action. Once again, I apologize for not being more active on the board. I'm a little gun shy when it comes to chiming in and giving advice. I'll try to contribute more.

hope i'm not out of line here.

possibly the appologetic ones have been to the RAP group and I won't mention any names but I am sure most folks on the board have been there and it can get pretty nasty.

This stuff is not easy to learn and in some sense we are risking out lives. Especially playing with High voltage tube CAPS.

but I think Viitalahde said it best
I agree with this sentiment--there's no sense in groveling like lowly worms. We all start out in the same place, and we all (eventually) end up in the same place.

I think a very key issue is to remember to be as kind and helpful to other people as people here in this forum have been to us.

If the folks at RAP have some type of axe to continually grind, so be it. It doesn't mean that their negativity needs to be shared. I say let them keep it all for themselves.

Enough of sounding like a therapist...
Okay, I'm slightly guilty as charged, but I still believe that the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked. Just see my "question on bias" thread for an example of that. :wink:

It really doesn't matter how basic the question is, none of us here will call you names or make fun of your "ignorance". At the very least, if it's a question that comes up a lot, you'll be referred to the metas or to appropriate threads where you can get your answers.
I do agree that these "spam like" posts designed to draw people into the thread are counter productive to the whole of the forum.

all of our time is valuable...some (on the brewery have even joked about a "time stretching machine"...lol...) BTW ..we all need one of these

the only stupid question is the one that goes un-asked

I agree ... to put in the words of "Roy Rogers"

everyone is ignorant...just on different subjects

but worse than that... is the question that goes un-answered... :sad:

there are a precious few here that can answer all ... but only if they have enough time... :wink:

Case in point:

I had a question on my ribbon mic thread (a few) that went un-answered and cost me some time, materials and re-design effort on my second mic...

this was concerning the magnetic return circuit...check both threads you will see...

the magnetic return circuit is now very clear and and the new "details" are now available to all...
as always I will search the metas first and try to find the answers to the rest of my un-answered question...and continue to offer my knowledge and resources for all. I will ...not... continually re-post my questions ..so... if you do see something and feel you can offer some guidance or a fresh perspective ....please feel free... :grin:

ALSO: I would never complain ... the answered question FAR out weigh the un-answered ones....
I am absoluly certian that ...given the time... there would be NO unanswered question on this forum at all...

I'd like to offer my sincere thanks to all who have helped me

AND all who have made their post as concise,to the point, and properly presented in the title...this saves us all :wink:

I keep cutting myself with an exacto blade late at night while doing x-former dissections. I am beginning to think that this is no accident.

I know you all will think I'm stupid for asking, but do you think that everyone really understands that there people on this forum who are still beginners?

I usually get at least one guy/gal answering my question who makes me feel like I just frustrated the hell out of them with how little I know.

I'm climbing the ladder just like everyone else...
i sometimes feel the same myself northside. it tends to make me hesistate about asking the questions i have. i usually only ask the questions if im the one whos so frustrated.
I believe you need to find some stuff on your own. I think humans remember better that way. I will leave hints that a trip to a good libary or a google search might help.

I have posted things here that cost me alot of money to learn,schooling, books, buying the part to learn(brauner VM1 and lots of microphones)(Others have as well). Sometimes I will hesitate to post some things that took a lot of effort to learn. I also will hesitate to post if I don't have first hand knowledge of the answer from building or testing.

Yes the metas are long but I don't think there is a one stop place on the web for this type of infomation better than "here". The meta reads are long but I think reading them is worth the time spent.

Sometime I don't think there is a good answer to some questions because maybe no one realy has a "good" answer

Ask questions
I agree with almost everything that's been said.

I would like to add that sometimes a little thinking would be good before asking. What I mean is that you will learn 10 times as much if you use the information you have (from asking other questions) and really try hard to solve the problem yourself instead of just asking as soon as a problem pops up. If you can't figure it out yourself, then ask. And don't call yourself stupid becuase you're not.

I'll shut up now. I'm not worthy. I'm just a finn.

I agree with looking things up. Resources can be slim from a practical standpoint though... It's hard to find the intermediate between all equations/theory and all practical application in text.

You should just be glad this board hasn't been hit by "Walters," who has hit many other BBS's concerning pro audio. It's a nightmare...