Suggest me a mono compressor build

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New member
Aug 15, 2013
Hello everyone!

I'm a long time lurker but registered only just yesterday.

Without further ado, I'll get straight to the point:

I'm looking for a suitable school project, with the following criteria:

- Mono compressor
- Line level
- Sounds reasonably good, but doesn't need to be clean sounding, some sort of character is actually preferred (this is where I'm lost, as I got no idea what all the different compressors you folks have built here sound like)
- Basic set of controls (attack, release, threshold, makeup gain + as an extra, some sort of pre-compressor overdrive function, )
- All I need is the schematics and the parts list, I can do everything else myself here at school.
- Not terribly complicated
- Small-ish (guitar pedal) size is a bonus, but not mandatory
- No tubes please
- No need for metering
- No need for sidechain input either

If something else pops into my mind I'll add that.

So, I would be very grateful if you wise folks could suggest me something nice to build!

Thanks, Barfunkel  / Teemu
Without any doubt I can say that you should build a Rev D 1176.  They fit all of your criteria (bar metering, which you do need).

Buy your key parts from Mike at Hairball Audio using the Mnats Rev D PCB (search here and you will find what you need).

THAT4301 compressor is quite simple for building. Variable attack/release option is discribed in THAT docs and will be added to the project soon...

If you're looking for "a some sort of character" - 1176 is really a good choice. Not so simple as THAT4301 but a worthwhile project indeed.

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