It's racked, but I'll pull it out later today and take a photo or two.
I got three Symetrix comps off CL about a year ago for $60 apiece. 522, 525, and the 150. Love 'em. They all have the Valley People VCAs in them.
I haven't switched out any opamps in them, just replaced one of the 100uf output caps in the 150, as the original was expanded in an obvious way. Apechap gave some fine advice above about switching out electro caps on used gear that is new to you. You might even go slightly larger on PSU caps if you can fit bigger ones. Symetrix gear seems to use a lot of 470uf in the PSU. Larger might be nicer, but as I remember they are axials in the power supply.
Did a lot of opamp switching on my Studiomaster mixer, and decided the best upgrade was to replace all the 33uf signal path caps with 220uf, and some nice WIMA .1 bypasses. Especially on the master and bus channels. Much better. Low end cleaner, more in phase, and highs extended a bit. Also better caps in the EQs made a huge difference.
If you wanna switch out some opamps in comps do the Alesis 3630 mods. It's a whole new comp with a few minor changes. They are cheap used also.
I would ask why you want to change ICs, and what you think it will accomplish? I've looked at some mods for the dbx 163x, but frankly like my compressors a bit angry sounding, and left most of them alone, since they sound good to me already. Mostly I look at the cap quality in the signal path and see if that can be upgraded.
Give me a day on the photos...