Symetrix CL150 help

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Oct 14, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
About two weeks ago I got a Symetrix CL150 for super cheap.  Never used one but it needed cleaning and recapping (though I also plan on replacing some of the ICs for newer quieter ones.)  Well,  I started recapping all of the 4.7uf caps.  So I was in a hurry (ie my wife was in a hurry) as I recapped my CL-150, and like an idiot pulled the 10uf cap as I pulled all the 4.7uf caps and now have no clue where it went (ie which cap was the 10uf.) I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere online for the 150.  Do any of you guys have one that you could take a peek in and let me know?    I seem to think it went by the automatic switch but that's just a guess.
I have one of these, and can open it up if need be, but would also love to have a schemo, if that is what's happenin' here...
My inbox is clean...
mulletchuck said:
Envelope, tried to PM ya but your inbox is full.
@tchgtr, if you could look that'd be great.  Ever thought about switching out some of the opamps?  I noticed some guys are but I haven't checked too much into it. 

@analogguru  Lol, nope not the internet.  One of the caps in the power section was starting to die so I figured I'd just replace them all while I was at it. It was actually functional but was getting lots of hissing and pops.
analogguru said:
sonicblue99 said:
... a Symetrix CL150 .... needed .... recapping ....

Who said this ?  The BS on the internet ?

I usually ALWAYS recap anything used that I get. Even if it doesn't "need" recapping (whatever that means, technically anything past a few years old wouldn't hurt) a little preventative maintenance never a bad idea when its on the bench anyway.

9 times outta 10 sounds better too. ha go figure. Some people seem to like the hazy undefined sound, that are old caps, me personally I dont.

  It's racked, but I'll pull it out later today and take a photo or two.
  I got three Symetrix comps off CL about a year ago for $60 apiece. 522, 525, and the 150. Love 'em. They all have the Valley People VCAs in them.
  I haven't switched out any opamps in them, just replaced one of the 100uf output caps in the 150, as the original was expanded in an obvious way. Apechap gave some fine advice above about switching out electro caps on used gear that is new to you. You might even go slightly larger on PSU caps if you can fit bigger ones. Symetrix gear seems to use a lot of 470uf in the PSU. Larger might be nicer, but as I remember they are axials in the power supply.
    Did a lot of opamp switching on my Studiomaster mixer, and decided the best upgrade was to replace all the 33uf signal path caps with 220uf, and some nice WIMA .1 bypasses. Especially on the master and bus channels. Much better. Low end cleaner, more in phase, and highs extended a bit. Also better caps in the EQs made a huge difference.
    If you wanna switch out some opamps in comps do the Alesis 3630 mods. It's a whole new comp with a few minor changes. They are cheap used also.
    I would ask why you want to change ICs, and what you think it will accomplish? I've looked at some mods for the dbx 163x, but frankly like my compressors a bit angry sounding, and left most of them alone, since they sound good to me already. Mostly I look at the cap quality in the signal path and see if that can be upgraded.
Give me a day on the photos...
OK, here's a photo.
  The 10uf cap is the one in between the voltage regulators and the side-chain "to EQ" jack at the rear of the unit: upper right hand side of this photo. Seems to be the only 10uf cap in there.
  The output caps I mentioned changing are 35uf BTW, not 100uf as I previously stated. At least I was right abut the PSU caps...
    I'm always suspicious of the green "chicklet" caps in something of this age. Used to be common practice to use these in audio sensitive areas of circuits, but there are much better candidates for audio caps these days. Would lave to have a schemo to confirm this, but like you, have had trouble finding one on the net.
    The Studiomasters used lots of these in the EQ, and changing them to something a little nicer made a huge difference in the EQ sound.
  The opamps are socketed, so go nuts on those 4560s. TLE2072 would likely not oscillate, and have light power consumption. I would beef up the PSU a bit and put in some caps on the sockets from each PSU rail to ground to keep any other, faster chips happy.
  Good luck!


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