Tascam M3700 preamp Q?

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2011
Hey guys, I'm after a quick bit of advice.

I picked up a Tascam M3500 and a Tascam M3700  last weekend. I've been looking into replacing all the OPamp in the console. I'll be tracking with the M3700 and mixing in ITB with the M3700 as a controller. I've already got the M3700 working as a DAW controller with Reaper so I'm happy about that  :D. I will have a crack at mixing OTB later down the track but for now I'm happy with ITB.

Here's where I'm after some advice. If you were given the decision of upgrading OPamps and re-capping 8 channels OR building an 8 channel Green pre, which would you choose? It'll set me back around $300 do do either one.


In my opinion, Green pre hands down... I don't know the 3500, but I'm not a big fan of the tascam boards I've owned
Thanks for the tip,

New question, looking the these schematics, which IC looks like it would have the most impact on the preamp sound if I were to connect the channel's direct out to my DAW? I could save a lot of cake if I could limit the number of ICs I would be upgrading to only one or two. At this stage, I'm simply looking at using the preamps and running direct out. I'll be mixing ITB using the M3700 as a MIDI controller.

My very uneducated initial reaction to these schematics leads me to think that U101 would have the most impact, followed by U102. Any more educated opinions?
If you want to keep the console I´d invest in the desk. The stock pres are basically the same topology as a green pre and don´t sound bad at all. Of course all Gearslutz members have a different opinion, weather they used the desk before or not. There´s a few corners in the circuit cut, though. Best improvement for this desk is to rework grounding and get a beefed up PSU.
If you want to use the desk for preamps only then sell it and build some Green Pres.
Hey Peter, if the pres are the same or a similar topology, could there be a simple modification to the Tascam circuit to make them more like the green pre? For example, your design uses the NE5532. Could the 5532 be suitable for the Tascam circuit?

Any other tips while I've got you?
The Greens, to my eye, are fairly different and there is no easy way to change them to that topology.

I have a new project out shortly which is a simpler Green pre with no HPF or phase which might be a simpler solution to trying to change an existing design to fit another.

Would it still have 48V? If so I would be super interested in building it!  A simple, clean, uncoloured pre which can be built from parts which are all easily and cheaply sourced is exactly what I'm after. There always seems to be one or two esoteric parts in almost every project that is either really expensive or difficult to come by. TBH I would have never used the HPF or phase switch on the green pre because I do all that ITB.

Keep me posted Peter, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

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