> Information (on outdated, obsolete equipment) should be free.
If you come here, and find it in the bottom of my piles, it's free for you to copy.
Kinkos copy-charges may be $6 or more. Mailing the stack back to your home adds a few more bucks.
If you want someone to organize their piles, scan old paper, and post on a web server.... I think those services are worth money.
I've often paid for copied schematics.
There is the larger question of copyright. TEAC does hold copyright in most of that stuff. They are entitled, under well-established law, to control copying so that they may get money for their creative labors. Being "obsolete" has nothing to do with it. The Charles Dickens stories which founded UK copyright were arguably "obsolete" after millions of unauthorized unpaid re-prints. Mickey Mouse is obsolete, and the mouse will NEVER go out of copyright. However the TEAC service manuals were never big sellers and I bet TEAC is quietly content to be ripped-off.