The Vaccine

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2005
Vaccine passport, one can be fired for not being vaccinated are among the circulating truths and rumors surrounding this life altering cocktail. Sterility is said to be one of the prizes to be obtained with safeguarding your life. So the spin doctors will conclude that is was the ultimate aim of the plandemic...population control, selective breeding etc. Time to get my will done.
I am surprised at how quickly a vaccine roll out has occurred. I did a PhD in the field of medicinal chemistry (admittedly about 15 or so years ago now) and my understanding of the vaccine development pipeline (and I should mention that I am more familiar with the development and approval of non-biologics), was that is was much more protracted than a few months. I find myself asking questions like: could vaccines for all viruses be similarly developed with a concerted effort? Did the vaccine developers just get lucky? Is corona virus a relatively straight forward vaccine target? Even so, only eight or nine months through all relevant trials confirming safety and efficacy? Makes me shiver a wee bit.

Early on there was discussion of the sun and moon having to align to have a vaccine successfully developed, many noted and respected scientists were wary of a vaccine ever being developed. All seems to good to be true. I'm not planning on traveling for the moment, my NZ backwater suits me fine.

analag said:
Vaccine passport, one can be fired for not being vaccinated are among the circulating truths and rumors surrounding this life altering cocktail. Sterility is said to be one of the prizes to be obtained with safeguarding your life. So the spin doctors will conclude that is was the ultimate aim of the plandemic...population control, selective breeding etc. Time to get my will done.

Yeah, theres no shortage of crazy conspiracy theories when it comes to vaccines of all types so I guess this one shouldn't be the exception, they say there is mercury in them, that they give you sterility, cancer, autism, the list goes on and its nothing new.
Squeaky said:
I am surprised at how quickly a vaccine roll out has occurred. I did a PhD in the field of medicinal chemistry (admittedly about 15 or so years ago now) and my understanding of the vaccine development pipeline (and I should mention that I am more familiar with the development and approval of non-biologics), was that is was much more protracted than a few months. I find myself asking questions like: could vaccines for all viruses be similarly developed with a concerted effort? Did the vaccine developers just get lucky? Is corona virus a relatively straight forward vaccine target? Even so, only eight or nine months through all relevant trials confirming safety and efficacy? Makes me shiver a wee bit.

Early on there was discussion of the sun and moon having to align to have a vaccine successfully developed, many noted and respected scientists were wary of a vaccine ever being developed. All seems to good to be true. I'm not planning on traveling for the moment, my NZ backwater suits me fine.


In this case, this virus is close to ones they were allready working on (sars-cov-1 and others coronaviruses). So it seems it was not that hard to complete the job.

They also shortened the delay before clinical phases due to the emergency.

To me its a good enough explanation, and i'm glad there are several different vaccines,from different companies/nations. Makes the job harder for conspirationists.

The first person to get the vaccine was 90 year old Margaret Keenan here in the UK yesterday. The second person to get it was a guy called William Shakespeare!


William Shakespeare. Is that true ? I first thought it's just a joke.

Anyway, good to finally see this kind progress in the UK...
There are some reports already coming through from the UK that people have suffered deleterious side effects from the Pfizer product .
Seems to be an issue emerging in people who suffer from allergies reacting badly to getting inoculated.
The contraindications list is growing ,
You want to hear my crazy conspiracy theory?  Here goes...

The Republicans have heard that Covid is affecting communities of color more than white communities, and so they're pushing anti-vax theories in hopes of wiping out non-whites.  They're willing to accept some white losses for that.  And yeah, I wouldn't put it past a lot of the more extreme ones.
Tubetec said:
There are some reports already coming through from the UK that people have suffered deleterious side effects from the Pfizer product .
Seems to be an issue emerging in people who suffer from allergies reacting badly to getting inoculated.
The contraindications list is growing ,

Hardly news...

It is understood both staff members have a significant history of allergic reactions – to the extent where they need to carry an adrenaline auto injector with them.

What's thrown together under "allergy" is a very mixed bunch of reactions. One that showed up fairly recently, "Mammalian meat allergy", seems to be caused by a compound in tick saliva, fi. The allergy only shows in people who had a recent tick bite from a few species and ate red meat. So it's not your classic allergy.

These things need to be reported, but the press always seems to succeed into turning them into FUD. Gefundenes Fressen for anti-vaxers and other impressionable idiots.
In november 2020 we had over 25% higher mortality rate compared to november 2019. It is mostly older people dying from Covid, of course no one believes government anymore because it is as corrupt as in many "3rd world countries" if not more. How much worse can it get after being in one of the longest strict quarantines in the world, while rate of infections is going up. We had very successful vaccination during socialism although that can't be compared to extreme right wing leading country now.
I know we will get Pfizer's vaccine here, many of you know what this company has done to people in the past and only payed little pocket to shut them up.
What can we do, carry on this way being closed to several ten square km while psychological state of people and economy are on the path of destruction, or get vaccinated. What would you do?
Coincidentally(maybe) here in Ireland towards the end of last year here the government rushed through legislation trying to prevent discussion on social media relating to vaccinations . Going back generations the biggest players in pharma on the planet, as well as church and state seem to have been involved in unethical testing on some of the most vulnerable people in our society , single pregnant mothers. We've seen successive governments seek to hide the testimoney of the people involved as well as attempting  to build on top of sites where thousands of children were buried.

I live around 4km from one of the densest stretches of chemical and pharma production on the planet , luckily I'm upwind ,the people downwind arent so lucky with the highest rates of cancer in the country , possibly more than 10 times the national average. Ive heard first hand stories from people who work in these plants and it doesnt paint a pretty picture . Ive also seen how the original Pfizer production plant was dismantled and carted away in the most haphazard manner imaginable with unknown liquids dribbling out the backs of trucks filled with decommissioned  plant equipment. None of it gives me any confidence that these corporations care a damn for anything but bottom line profit . The chemical industry is so big here and worth so much money to the economy no one will call them to order .

Im lucky , I eat well ,take plenty of exercise and enjoy excellent health , I'm also some way down the priority list for vaccination due to age, at least allowing me a window for new data to come in and make better informed choice .In Ireland we do have constitutional protection from the 'mandatory vaccination brigade' , does seem likely that coercive force will be brought to bear on those who refuse though by private entities involved in large public gatherings such as sports or musical events  and travel/airline companies .

Scodiddly said:
You want to hear my crazy conspiracy theory?  Here goes...

The Republicans have heard that Covid is affecting communities of color more than white communities, and so they're pushing anti-vax theories in hopes of wiping out non-whites.  They're willing to accept some white losses for that.  And yeah, I wouldn't put it past a lot of the more extreme ones.

Oh heck yeah. I've suspected this since Trump did nothing on a federal level about the virus.

I suspect an actual Nazi like Steven Miller whispered in Trumps ear that he's a handsome man with a large *****, and that he shouldn't do anything about the virus, and that it will all go away in no time.

Miller is smart enough to know that it will affect brown people way more in the poor and disenfranchised communities.

Some white people gotta die?

"It's god's will..."
totoxraymond said:
In this case, this virus is close to ones they were allready working on (sars-cov-1 and others coronaviruses). So it seems it was not that hard to complete the job.

They also shortened the delay before clinical phases due to the emergency.

To me its a good enough explanation, and i'm glad there are several different vaccines,from different companies/nations. Makes the job harder for conspirationists.

There is a certain elegance to some vaccine designs (e.g. self-assembly of capsid proteins to generate a virus like particle), and then there is just denaturing and hoping. It is not so much the side effects (I'm happy to take a vaccine as long as enough guinea pigs have tried it before me) but demonstrated efficacy that I can't help myself questioning somewhat. Time will reveal this, probably not that long to wait after mass roll out. Any, for example, confirmation bias (lies, damned lies and statistics), or reliance on data sets of too narrow a scope, that may have occurred (inadvertently or otherwise), should be brutalised in the face of a bulk population experiment. There is nothing like a great S%*t-tonne of raw data.

I really do hope that one or more effective vaccines are developed (and we stay on top of possible mutations) so we can put all this crap behind us (in NZ we have either a massive bubble forming or an inter-generational shift like no other; money is pouring into property from those with assets and we have the lowest home ownership rates for 70 years). The wealth divide has been greatly exacerbated and is starting to make this country look third world.
The amount of homelessness and property reposessions here is also at an all time high , most families require both parteners working to pay exorbitant rents and even then its hard to save enough to get out of the rent trap.
It seems almost universal in the Western world that the gap between the rich and poor is widening again ,with covid only exacerbating the situation .  :(

In the short term government loans are used to bail us out , but that and the cost of the vaccines will eventually have paid back with interest, meanwhile vulture funds circle looking for easy pickings.
If Pfizer's potion is no good, how about alternative by Sinopharm ? Emirate seems to trust it...
Theres seems to be around half a dozen competing products in the running , will be interesting to see how they measure up over the medium/longer term. Could easily break the back of an industrial giant or two if they get it badly wrong.  China's Sinopharm might well be ahead in terms of numbers of people administered a dose as they wouldnt have any of the safeguards that might exist in western countries regarding constitutional protections of its citizens , the other thing is can we really trust any of these companies not to try and scew figures in their own favour . We may expound to a great degree about the value of 'Scientific study' , even if its conducted with the utmost diligence , the people who fund such research wont entertain a study that threatens  an existing multi billion dollar ideology . A good idea isnt enough in itself its all the political hoop jumping where the bias creeps in. Big corporations have inertia a bit like a super tanker coming into a port .
Script said:
If Pfizer's potion is no good, how about alternative by Sinopharm ? Emirate seems to trust it...
sputnik V is now being tested on the public...  ::)


PS; The anti-vac drama is not a sign of informed debate.
We are but sheep, opinionated yes. But nonetheless sheep!
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