This Is Change? 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's Admin

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ENS Audio

Well-known member
Oct 23, 2007


Seriously though I am glad its him and not McCain and the Witch (that has channeled the spirit of Ronald Regan while the witch was conjuring up the dead)

I am just not a fool to believe what most of others believe about this man, to which I really do find to be refreshing to have someone to whom can actually speak correctly.
I'm a pinko lefty and even I think that website is laughable.

I consider myself antiwar. I consider Barack Obama to have been the single most viable candidate in the last election.  I consider these cabinet posts to be tools in Obama's toolbox.  The head of the beast is where change will come from.

And anywho, I didn't see one single suggestion as to whom Mr. Scahill would nominate instead.  If not seasoned professionals then who? 
I am as for Obama as I have ever been, and I think he has shown great wisdom in his choices so far.

mushy said:
I'm a pinko lefty and even I think that website is laughable.

I consider myself antiwar. I consider Barack Obama to have been the single most viable candidate in the last election.  I consider these cabinet posts to be tools in Obama's toolbox.  The head of the beast is where change will come from.

And anywho, I didn't see one single suggestion as to whom Mr. Scahill would nominate instead.  If not seasoned professionals then who? 

Well I understand if you find that website laughable as long as you dont either take Fox or CNN too seriously either, the journalist that wrote this article is the same guy that broke the story on the professional thug murderers known as Blackwater employees.  So all this journalist is doing is drawing question into these people to which recently were reported.  i have no problem with liberal Republican/Conservatives that call themselves "Democrats" what I do have a problem with is all through the election I heard Obama talk about how he will get the troops out of Iraq and what does he do???  Picks Joe Biden to later on we find out that his own son is there fighting in this war??  I am not antisemitic, I just dont see why we should offer more human sacrifices to the altar which is known as Israeli national security.  If these people were truly serious about our national security the US gov wouldnt do half the things that it does. 

Also I do agree that Obama is great figurehead for the USA, he's well spoken, isnt a walking parody/representation of the poor uneducated populus and for being the first "multi racial" president (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean???) he shows that he's down to earth, plus he's inspired a great deal of the disenfranchised in this country.  But I'll be damned to sit here and not question what I see as a double standard (but hey isnt that what politics is all about??) The US foreign policy is what's wrong with this country and I may dare say that Obama's admin will continue the foreign policy of the past president and the past president before that.  If Obama really wants to live up to "change that we can believe in" he will arrest and put all the filthy neocon crooks that have been robbing this country blind.

He needs to make sure they all get put in orange jump suits and try them all for treason which still should be punishable by death and then just go down the list one by one including the "frauds" inside the democratic party as well.  When it comes to certain political issues I must sound like im off the handle :-[ but I cant help but to have contempt for the lies and hypocrisy of both parties which really is starting to seem more like one party if you have a basic understanding of the principals behind what it means to be a conservative and what it means to be not so conservative.  All in all I will not comment further on what Obama will have planned for his 4yrs as president until after he's been to work....oh but thats right [sarcasm\ We are in a Obama Recession /end of sarcasm}
I'm sorry to hear that your post got deleted, Claude.  Though I seem to disagree with about everything I read from you ;) I still think you should be able to post whatever you like-especially in the brewery. 

All in all I will not comment further on what Obama will have planned for his 4yrs as president until after he's been to work

I think that is a good plan.  Let the man show us what he will do before you crucify him too soon.  He stated today again that he wants all US troops out of Iraq in 16 months.  That sounds pretty reasonable to me.
ClaudeTucker said:
Thanks for deleting my posts here ssltech. Glad to see you only allow people who agree with you to post here in the Prodigy-pro forum.
EDIT (SSLtech): Rest of 'offended innocence' rant deleted

Read further down.

You told me this?  What is this Claude, some kind of conspiracy?  SO YOU are behind this inside info what are you a rouge CIA agent and are leaking out the names of these appointees weeks before Obama got elected??  Ah trying to get revenge in the name of the neocons working as a spy and leaking info to reporters...TRAITOR!!!!!! ;D
That is wrong to delete Claude posts.    I have stayed out of this stuff because it is the web and not face to face or even on the phone talking.

Just because you don't like what Claude posts does not mean you should delete it.

Just because you don't like what Claude posts does not mean you should delete it.

Let me just correct that slightly and I'll then fully agree with it: Just because I don't agree with his VIEWS does not mean that I should delete it... -Yes, quite definitely. But if I judge he or anyone else to be posting in a trolling or offensive manner, then I most definitely SHOULD delete it. -otherwise what's a moderator for?

I have indeed deleted posts from "Claude" in this thread, not in this instance because of any lack of agreement, but because I judge the tenor of the tone to have been confrontational, and I've given him direct warnings previously, which is why he assumed quite correctly that it was me. -I first posted a reply but let the posts stand, but then I re-read them, and after about 20 minutes I decided that they stirred more offense than thought.

At least one claim made by "Claude" were also demonstrably untrue, incidentally.

I don't want another trolling thread, and this was getting turned into one. I'd like to also point out that this action has NOT been taken entirely without consultation.

If "Claude" can keep from posting his outrage in a confrontational manner, then he's quite welcome to contribute. -Until then, I'm strongly inclined to edit posts. -Please observe by way of justification that nobody else here ie posting so confrontationally, or in a manner which causes the same level of offense.

The elections over.. at some point we should stop arguing it.

This thread started off with an attack on the losing candidates so it's not surprising some (slightly less than half the voters) might be defensive.

At this point it's all about hoping for the best. I suspect many had impossible expectations based on a superficial understanding of the world around us. If they were drawn into paying attention by this election, that is a good thing. Keep paying attention and take notes.

I won't try to tell anybody what to think, watch and observe. Then form your own opinions. The real deal hasn't even started yet... wait till after the party is over and the street sweepers are finished cleaning up DC in Jan. A friend of mine will be there for the party. His son works in the Secret Service so he has a place to stay, and since his candidate won, he deserves the party.

I just hope the new president rules from the center and can keep "his" congress in check.. It looks like they won't get their super majority, no matter what kind of games they try in MN, so I am thankful for small victories.

We can revisit this all in a few years. Many regions of the world are still in flux, I hope we continue to offer a steady hand to support those in need. It seems the list of problems gets longer rather than shorter, and the bad guys are evolving and exploiting new soft spots.

Not to be a broken record but I worry about Pakistan now. If that weak democracy falls we have a nuclear armed ?? In the middle of a region that is far from stable. I'm not holding my breath for the world community to step up and mediate between these two nuclear powers. If the weak Pakistan government clamps down too hard on internal groups, suspected in the Mumbai attacks, they could lose their fragile majority. No doubt part of the plan by a clever though misguided radical element.

Interesting times.

Uh, my repost was in agreement with Mbira...

It was actually complimentary to Obama. I didn't requote Mbira and ENS here. Please tell me ssltech what was offensive about this. If you don't want to do it here, then send me a PM.

I wrote:

I tend to agree with Mbira quoted above. I think that he may have found some of the security briefings quite sobering. I give Obama credit for "knowing what he doesn't know" and surrounding himself with people who do. That's a very good sign.

The above is indiciative of good management.

ENS - No I did not tell you this.  What I did say in a different thread was that many of you would be disappointed in the general sense. I pointed that out in this thread earlier and, for whatever reason, that post is gone. Apparently, for ENS and others, buyer's remorse has set in quickly...

I had been mischaracterized by ENS. Am I not allowed to correct an error?

I'm really not trying to be confrontational. These things are not confrontational.

Please observe by way of justification that nobody else here ie posting so confrontationally, or in a manner which causes the same level of offense.

This IS confrontational. Yet it stands unedited:

Also very confrontational. ENS wrote:

You told me this?  What is this Claude, some kind of conspiracy?  SO YOU are behind this inside info what are you a rouge CIA agent and are leaking out the names of these appointees weeks before Obama got elected??  Ah trying to get revenge in the name of the neocons working as a spy and leaking info to reporters...TRAITOR!!!!!!

Respectfully speaking I sense a double-standard.
Briefly 'Claude', -by point-

I disagree that your post was entirely complimentary. -It wasn't in my judgment. PART of it may indeed have been so, I'll happily grant, but certainly not entirely.

If you're offended by the referenced post, I'll step in. -No problem.

I don't think that you were particularly mischaracterized by ENS, and I doubt that I would be alone.

There is no intentional double-standard. I've been trying to put the past behind us; however the tone of some of your replies makes it difficult. Basically, Yes... we get it, -you don't like "Barry". Cryptically writing "the emperor has no clothes" (over... and over...and over) doesn't make you any cleverer.


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