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I came upon the GroupDIY Audio Forum whilst looking for information and enlightenment as regards Partridge output transformers used in Hiwat and Sound city guitar amplifiers.
Over the years I’ve pondered the multiple secondary lead out wires and what was the exact layer sectionalization. So, my point of entry to the forum was the superb thread ‘Partridge TG 6556/2 Output Transformer’ by CJ
I’m semi-retired and I have a few projects on the list and one of them is to make a Marshall Black Flag JTM 50 amplifier using Sound City 50-watt Partridge ‘TG’ Iron I have in toybox in the workshop, so having a better idea of the sectionalization of the output transformer would be nice. This JTM50 Black Flag project is a fairly long-term project as I have quite a few projects to be getting on with!
So… I got both a Partridge 50watt TG9876 and a 100watt TG9375 transformer on the bench (see pics) to try and fathom the sectionalization, which eventually lead me to the net and finally to CJ’s thread. So, after many years I now know what the sectionalization is. As I long suspected, these are quite a high-performance output transformer.

I’ve already made two JTM45’s using all Radiospares Iron gathered over the years at jumbles and swap meets in the UK, a JTM30 (?) using a Selmer organ output transformer and a mains transformer salvaged form a basket case hi-fi amplifier and finally a JTM20 (?) using 6V6’s and ’18 watt’ Radiospares Iron also gathered over the years at jumbles and swap meets in the UK.
My first job on leaving school in 1975 was building valve guitar amplifiers so I’ve seen them became extinct and to reappear again over the last 10-20 years. Mind you for us tube heads they never really went away!
My interests range from 1930/40’s valve radios to solid state gear like the DC300 amplifier. A significant part of this interest is valve guitar and hi-fi amplifiers. Just as happy with a 6L6 as a 3N3773 - maybe happier with the 6L6 though!
I frequent the UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Discussion Forum and a member of the BVWS.
I'm a newbie here... learning how drive the forum controls
I came upon the GroupDIY Audio Forum whilst looking for information and enlightenment as regards Partridge output transformers used in Hiwat and Sound city guitar amplifiers.
Over the years I’ve pondered the multiple secondary lead out wires and what was the exact layer sectionalization. So, my point of entry to the forum was the superb thread ‘Partridge TG 6556/2 Output Transformer’ by CJ
I’m semi-retired and I have a few projects on the list and one of them is to make a Marshall Black Flag JTM 50 amplifier using Sound City 50-watt Partridge ‘TG’ Iron I have in toybox in the workshop, so having a better idea of the sectionalization of the output transformer would be nice. This JTM50 Black Flag project is a fairly long-term project as I have quite a few projects to be getting on with!
So… I got both a Partridge 50watt TG9876 and a 100watt TG9375 transformer on the bench (see pics) to try and fathom the sectionalization, which eventually lead me to the net and finally to CJ’s thread. So, after many years I now know what the sectionalization is. As I long suspected, these are quite a high-performance output transformer.

I’ve already made two JTM45’s using all Radiospares Iron gathered over the years at jumbles and swap meets in the UK, a JTM30 (?) using a Selmer organ output transformer and a mains transformer salvaged form a basket case hi-fi amplifier and finally a JTM20 (?) using 6V6’s and ’18 watt’ Radiospares Iron also gathered over the years at jumbles and swap meets in the UK.
My first job on leaving school in 1975 was building valve guitar amplifiers so I’ve seen them became extinct and to reappear again over the last 10-20 years. Mind you for us tube heads they never really went away!
My interests range from 1930/40’s valve radios to solid state gear like the DC300 amplifier. A significant part of this interest is valve guitar and hi-fi amplifiers. Just as happy with a 6L6 as a 3N3773 - maybe happier with the 6L6 though!
I frequent the UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Discussion Forum and a member of the BVWS.