[quote author="clintrubber"]
Cloning: I made sure there was nothing similar. bla bla bla...
Simulating the open loop gain of the 1731 gave about
85dB @ DC, which made me think of... but hey, that was the 1731
and the sim could be totally off. Sorry, couldn't resist. :wink:
BTW, I like your logo & T-shirt.[/quote]
One interesting thing about my amp is that asde from the current source on the input difs, there are only 6 transistors. Most others either have way more gain, or less gain but more stages. I found with less stages came less internal compensation, came more stability.
It is not unity gain stable, which I don't care because I always am taking some gain, and because of that, the whole design isn't based around unity, so there is only one internal compensation cap, and you can run it from 2 dB to 50 dB of gain with NO external compensation cap. It will actualy run at unity as long as you use a resistor from out to -in instead of direct connect.
Sweet. Too many times designers try to make an op-amp to compete instead of for a specific use. Don't design around unusable or unrequired specs and you would be surprized...