transistor alternatives for 990 op amp

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saint gillis

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2012
Brussels - Belgium
Hi, it's almost impossible to find pn2484 at a resonable price (in Europe),
  Have you found them anywhere?

  If not is there an alternative, replacement? Even if not pin to pin...

Thank you
The metal 2484 will dissipate more power than the plastic device.

The metal can is generally connected to the collector so you might need to be careful that it doesn't touch something it shouldn't.

The document listed does not show a schematic so I can't tell what specs if any are important.

The metal 2484
Probably won't fit in the small PCBs, if you're going for the 2520 footprint. I would stick with the plastic.
Since they are both used in the circuit to simply set quiescent current, swapping a different transistor should be pretty easy, I think. Just look for the same power handling and pinout.
It is for an experimental project using a pcb of its own footprint, so pinout don't matter...
  Do you think it is better to use pnp/npn pairs like bc560/bc550 or should I better keep PN4250A (I have some) and use a substitute for PN2484 (like BC550) ?

From Jensen papers :

The transistors for Q5, type 2N4250A or PN4250A, must have an input capacitance Cib lower than the Jedec specification in order to achieve the short response time which favors good phase margin, stability, and transient response. Fairchild and National Semiconductor have been tested and used; other types with the same part number cannot be safely substituted without analysis of the resulting response time and phase margin.

Also for the NPNs it is specified :
Q4.7 2N2484.PN2484 npn transistor National Semiconductor or Fairchild
I have used BC550s  for pn2484s before.. Just spin it 180 deg. to get the right pinout.

the 2n5088 has the same pinout as the pn2484 and will work fine as a replacement
in some circuits but has lower max voltage ratings.

As JR says.. One way to find out for sure. ;D 
