Tube Amp connections : 0V vs EARTH vs HEAT vs CURRENT

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2023
Hey everyone,
Somewhat unusual mindset here, since I’m doing a number of projects that involve external power supplies and want to make sure i have some important principles lined up.

I learned from one (successful thus far) project that the PT output HV, let’s say for example 360/0/360, needs to have it’s 0V connected to the rectifier tube’s output negative. So let’s say 320V / 0V. And then, that pair of 320V / 0V wires physically should go, after some length since this is an external supply, as directly as possible to the output power tubes GND and the output transformer GND.

But by default, that stuff is all connected to the chassis. So, although some distance is involved, it is still connected to mains earth. But what happens if we delete the entire chassis in concept? Does our HV 320V / 0V output DC need to make it’s 0V connection to mains earth somewhere? If so, where would be the best place in principal to make this connection? Back on the power supply at the rectifier tube’s 0V? Just a short wire from that to the mains earth input?

And again, if our chassis is deleted and the entire imaginary point to point system is just floating mid air… where do we now need to install some heat sinks? I believe that a chassis also provides heat sinking, albeit in messy fashion. So if that’s gone in principal.. maybe add some heat sinks at the output tube grounds, and also the output transformer ground (which is possible the same point) ? And also back on the power supply.. on the PT’s lugs (which are earthed) ? And the rectifier 0V (which may or may not be earthed, depending on question above) ?

I have one old Fisher amp that physically has the OT’s negative be brought back via a long wire to the phase inverter’s ground at the cathode bias point. So maybe i need to be tying together all grounds in the phase inverter and output tubes and output transformer, and send the power supply’s 0V DC to that conglomeration as one input point on audio segment.

Thank you!
Replying to myself.
I found @ruffrecords ‘s wonderfully helpful grounding scheme guide for tube circuits.
It certainly answers the question of what to do with the 0V DC signal.. and the answer is to connect it back to the mains earth along with the rest of the star system.

I’m still wondering what items in a typical tube amp are best all getting a ground from this 0V DC, and how heat is being handled at those spots. So I believe this is the Phase Inverter, the Power Tubes, and the Output Transformer. All one common target for the 0V DC signal to directly connect to. But if there is no chassis there, do we heat sink the living daylights out of that ground point?
Current should not flow to the chassis, it should be flowing to 0v at the rectifier. So deleting the chassis should not change the current flow. Current is conserved so you can't hear sink the current if you don't have a return path. With no return path nothing happens. Energy transfer (heat) happens as current flows across a voltage drop. A heat sink doesn't need an electrical connection but should be thermally conductive to the place where heat is being generated.
I read the article. It is terrifically written and answers nearly all my questions! This includes confusion about output transformer ground and the NFB ground relationship. Amazing. Maybe I need to buy the whole book.

It does confuse me on my very first question though.. about the negative of the reservoir capacitor.

Before reading this article and after reading @ruffrecords ’s grounding article, I was coming to my own conclusion that the DC negative of the power supply, so the reservoir capacitor and the center tap of HV output from PT, should be locally connected to earth. I was thinking that this would be the only place DC negative was earthed, and all else down stream would be floating in principle. I was then going to ultimately downstream connect the input jack ground to the bus bar which upstream finally connects to reservoir negative which is connected to earth as stated in power supply.

But this article suggests that the negative of reservoir cap should not ever be connected to earth in the power supply section, but instead, its bus bar which follows the circuit downstream will be directed to earth at a strategically chosen point. I understand the complexities of all that. In the most simple case, this will be at the audio input jack to chassis.

So if that’s true, the PT’s high voltage AC center tap, which feeds the rectifier, has no connection to earth close by at all. This is the opposite of what I was thinking for my external power supplies, which is that I would put a short heavy gauge wire from reservoir negative to earth at mains.

Which is the best methodology for handling the power supply section’s DC negative/ground? Earth it locally? Or leave it floating entirely through the circuit and earth it at the audio input chassis?

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