Tubetech MP1A Phantom problem

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
Paris, France
Hi Guys .... I have a phantom problem on a MP1A
in fact it reads 28-30V
tried resoldering the PSU, no result ....
any idea ?

Reads 28-30 volts...WHAT exactly?



Assuming you mean DC, I might hazard a guess that you're reading an average and that you have a "clipped ripple" that has lots of dips below 48V.

Switch it to AC, and I bet that you have a high reading also...

If that's the case, you need to replace  a lot of electrolytics.
I think the early version MP1A uses the 48V for both the tube heaters (in series) and the P48. Which means that there's relatively high load on the 48V - and this is probably the most common fail point of the early MP1A.

Check rectifier, pass transistor - and replace reservoir electrolytic.

Jakob E.
Thanks guys :)

So, I changed the 2200uF , the rectifier and the T4 on the schematics ( bc337 )
Still have 35V DC. ( didn't have time to check anything else :/ )