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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008

I can't be the only one that gets a kick out of this stuff here.  One of my favorite parts of acquiring NOS tubes or obscure classic electronics is seeing how it is labeled and branded. 
Actually kindof a depressing site, thinking about all the new logos that are not there because the US, rich and poor, is collectively sitting on it's ass doing nothing because they don't have to.  The current pack in charge is just printing away $$, eliminating the need for many people do do things, any things really, for themselves, whilst the working run in the hamster wheel looking out at the lounging loads. 
There are no new logos because we have the lowest workforce participation in over 30 years.  Regulation up the wazoo prevents many entrepreneurs from going to market with "things".
It's a malaise that can only be solved from within.
Oh Mike don't take on so. That site is hipster heaven, your current creative class that is doing quite well. You can rest assured there are at least two new logos for each old design on that site for craft beer, craft knives, craft shoes, cookies, spice etc. All American!

Here, let me get you started: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1673156/create-your-own-hipster-logo-in-6-steps
Mike, I love you but it's time to turn off the talk radio and come back to us.

Aside from the fact that the manufacturing hence the jobs went overseas as a direct result of deregulation... Aside from the fact that I don't know anyone who is "lounging"... Aside from the fact that measuring our country's success from a BULLSHIT made up statistic like "workforce participation" is completely asinine...

... Visual branding such as logo design is a HUGE GROWTH INDUSTRY!!! Everything is branded these days. Look at the MAJOR branding overhauls that have happened in the last few years. Huge brands like Yahoo, JC Penney and Tropicana have all reinvented their visual strategies and those are just a few examples. There are MANY new logos out there. There are many new products.

There are also WAY too many grumpy libertarians in this world who are all about pointing out problems and whining about "the good old days" and have very little to offer in the way of practical solutions.

I never thought a cute post showcasing classic typefaces would incite YET ANOTHER regurgitation of the yakity yak radio talking points. You know, things aren't all that bad, guys. Cheer up!