I don't know him. He just seemed to have a well informed summary.
Besides, the jury is still out on what mosquito's transmit. One recent survey in the Tsjech republic showed 11% of mosquitos infected with Borellia (Lyme's disease), but no follow-up research about transmission to humans, AFAIK.
I've known about toxoplasmosis for decades, but learned just recently that research in Holland showed it to be sexually transmitted. That surprised me, as the parasite (Toxoplasma gondii) is located in your brain.
It has been stated for many years animal diseases can't transfer to plants and vice versa. We now know that's not true. The same goes for hormones. Plant hormones do affect your organs.
So maybe, he's not such a wacko?
There is at least one documented case known to medical science of a tropical fever (don't remember which one, exactly) that's listed as only transmitted through a very specific kind of parasite in Africa infecting a US doctor's spouse after him returning infected during a mission in Africa. The precise infection vector is still unknown, but the only ones I can think of, are mosquitos, or sexual transmission. The latter includes saliva besides other bodily fluids, of course.
We've also learned a lot about fluid dynamics as a transmission medium for Corona (and other viral diseases), but a lot is still unknown. That's the center of the controversy. Some things are clear, other things not so.