Unfinished projects, how long and how many?

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
I used to do one project at a time, but I started buying up PCBs before projects went away forever, or became to hard to find. How many projects are too many projects to have on your bench? - if thats possible

just curious how many projects the rest of yall have on your bench. I think mine is about 13.... with several others I still would like....

GroupDIY just breeds Gearslutz.... a high class, more knowledgeable gearslut. but a gear slut non the less.

hears to finishing a great deal before the year is over!! haha
The shelf of shame , the first step is admitting it ?
My work has shifted from less band multi track to T.V. gigs & live recording, so motivation to finish
my own music [ and electronic projects ] is waning and goes hand in hand .
Ordering all the parts slows me up as i try to do that for several projects and often end up still needing something to finish
I'm sure I have more than 13 [ scared to actually count ]
And not only electronic projects , Personal music projects , Home reno's, health & fitness , relationships
Endless sometimes overwhelming ........................

Many prosperous, productive & successful wishes for all in 2014!
I "try" to have no more than 3 projects on the bench at the same time.  Anymore than that and there's not enough room.  Most of the time I just work on two.  While I'm waiting for parts, panels, info, cash, I can keep busy on the other.  Sometimes due to priorities, I've had projects sit in some state of being unfinished for years!  The trick is too keep good notes about your project.  I keep manilla folders with documentation, spec sheets, pictures and any other info related to the project.  That way if your project sits for too long, you won't forget some small item.  When you pick it up again everything is there and you won't do things twice.  I'm a list maker.  I have so many lists that I have a list of lists.  My lists and checklists have saved me a bunch of headaches over the years.  Without these I'm sure my debug time for things I've built would have increased.  The debug time for most of the things I've built is very short or none. 
I going to finish "All" of my projects this year before starting any new ones....

I think I accumulated a bunch of PCB's and related parts then got really busy....
I've probably got something like this:
9+ tube mic's
A handful (or two) of FET mic's
A couple VariMu and FET compressors "almost done"
A couple RudeTubes..
Several EQs....
At least four handful's of DOA's

However there are a number of completed projects too which are quite nice and see consistent use and even being otherwise busy I keep at the bench when I can.

No more PCB or case / body purchases though unless something "special" comes along.... Still want to do one of those PWM compressors... Or rather two..... He he he... so....

projects are best managed by long term and short term goals. I have a few long term projects that I work around when I have down time from the normal stuff.  It's included a lot of ltspice simulation, schematic capture and layouts. From there, there is the short term goals like various projects I have had to finish. Things always keep rotating in and out depending on time, money and patience.  The trick is time management. make a schedule and stick to it. Most of my short term projects, DIY projects, are finished.  So in keeping with Time management,  I have made a list of all that I wish to accomplish this year and how I plan to go about doing it. Most of it requires capital(money) I need elsewhere such as living expenses.
pucho812 said:
projects are best managed by long term and short term goals.

Indeed.  I have enough projects for the rest of my life, plus.  Need dictates what's on the bench more than desire these days.  I did just finish a 12 year condenser mic project, which was mostly done 12 years ago, stalled for lack of an unobtainium connector.  I finally gave up and made the connector myself.  Some things get done immediately, some require long hunts for rare parts, so dusty piles build up while waiting on the one missing piece to surface. 
I usually run about 3 foreground projects at the wiring/testing phase and about 3 background projects at the design and parts collection phase.

I've fully completed around 27 projects and have 2 units on my 'maintenance' pile.
That's since start of 2004 when I joined 'group DIY'.

Occasionally I rework a finished unit to incorporate new things I've learned since.

Been great fun but I have a giant pile-o-stuffs. I use maybe 10 units regularly!
Also, I was able to sell off my commercial stuff, so I recouped some that way.


Some currently unfinished:

G22 Dual/Stereo/MS varimu compressor
G17 mono input stage
Phd-project on a psyckological approach to AI
G-UE100 stereo eq
G36 Bias unit for G21
3-phase power driver for a Kavo 4031 router spindle - this one is pretty hard
Diode temperature-curve matching oven (easing build of G21)
HP/LP and shelving add-on for G14
Frequency-response-matching setup for half-capsules (with Campbell Transmitter)
...and many more

Jakob E.

Is the router motor a standard 3phase?  If so have you look at small AC drives?  They do not cost that much for what you can do with them.
Something like in the link.  I have not used one of this brand.
note the output frequency and max motor RPM
gyraf said:
Some currently unfinished:

G22 Dual/Stereo/MS varimu compressor
G17 mono input stage
Phd-project on a psyckological approach to AI
G-UE100 stereo eq
G36 Bias unit for G21
3-phase power driver for a Kavo 4031 router spindle - this one is pretty hard
Diode temperature-curve matching oven (easing build of G21)
HP/LP and shelving add-on for G14
Frequency-response-matching setup for half-capsules (with Campbell Transmitter)
...and many more

Jakob E.

Jakob.... You are seriously a mad scientist, but I love it! haha
IF you count project in planning (schematics and layouts being tweaked) that number is pretty large.
I signed a pact with myself that I cannot order any new project until the last one is finished.  It seems to work and keeps my checkbook balanced.  I also decided that all disposable income that might go toward vanity projects must go toward the completion of my record first.  I love DIY but dodn't want find an excuse in it to put off the actual making music part, which is why I started in on DIY to begin with!  The music must come first. There's plenty of time to grow old with the soldering iron in my hand but the window of time to produce an actual body of music feels more pressing.  That said, my music is here http://www.marcsmithmusic.com/songs/
Gus said:
Is the router motor a standard 3phase?  If so have you look at small AC drives?  They do not cost that much for what you can do with them.
Yup, been there, but the Kavo's are special animals - 83-1000Hz giving 5K to 60K rpm, at a max. voltage of 35V and 13A@2KHz. So low-impedance, low voltage, and galvanic isolation from mains probably needed. Have had partly success with ESC's for brushless model motors, but too much heating. Also tried a simple variable 3-phase sine oscillator, driving 3 LM3886 200W output stages. Works, but torque and run-in is unpredictable because of lack of feedback..

Jakob E.
Most times, I finish fast or abandon. Its my only way of silencing the lambs.

I have a mic on my desk waiting for one of Tim's capsules.

And two kids  :p

Heres my list to finish:
1176 to rack and desing front panel.
GSSL to rack and desing front panel
1084 to add inductors and switches and rack.
2 x Access-512 to finish.
2 x Access-Twins to finish
2 x ssl9k 500 to finish.
2 x Poor man pultec to complete.
1 x u67 to complete
2 x u87 to complete.

My list of "unfinished" or "yet to start" is HUGE ! :-[

I even have to post pictures on the forum of PCB's to find out what the project was .... when I bought into it 5 years ago !!

I need a decent amount of time to start up, the odd free afternoon or day just isn't enough to get
all my kit out and refresh myself with all the docs / tips etc.

Have my D-La2a 75% done, needs to be boxed up and wired.

Part of the unfinished list becomes maintenance things! Like tracking down that dirty tube socket… I have a couple minor issues with a tape machine I have been putting aside because I was focusing so much on the mic bodies and then real life stuff. But when you are recording a lot, your stuff needs to be ready to go!

So, I won't start new things until I have kept up on the old!