Unknown component

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2007
Linz / Austria
I'm looking for info about the following component:

Somewhat looks like a ceramic cap, but the legend on the pcb has "tr1" written next to it, whereas all identifiably caps are labelled with "c". "SCK 083" is written on the component itself. Any lab member has a clue what that thing does? It's one of the burnt parts from a tft screen psu.

Many thanks!
Thanks Johann! That could make sense, since it's in the circuit right after a pcb fuse - could that be some sort of additional protection?

Thanks again,
Was it in series with the supply line? If so it's an inrush-current limiter (which is actually a type of thermistor- NTC Current Limiter Thermistor)

If it was across the supply line, then it will more likely be a VDR (Voltage Dependent Resistor) which acts like a high-current zener "clamp"- like used across mains supplies in mains conditioners.

I thought maybe this thread could be useful for anyone who'd like to ask about some unknown components..
A friend of mine did this jewelry with old electronic components and asks me about the toxicity of them
I think the tropical fishes are ok, but I'm not sure about the round components, they look like thermistors but I wasn't aware about thermistors using a color code, can anyone confirm?