> you can series the fils for a nice even 12v.
I think you are joking.
12 per side is going in the right direction. The tube has OK curvature, but is scaled for SUCH small current that it aint a lot of good for audio. It will be down near 0.1mA for a useful amount of GR. In a radio IF stage, the interstage can be tuned-up to >>100K AC load, so 0.1mA peak is >10V and it is in no danger of starving and distorting. In audio, the only way we can give 100K load is with a resistor, and the 3mA idle current can't happen. If a shoe-box is available, massive parallel can drive ~~10K loads, which we can do with an audio transformer, while keeping DC drop small. We also get high idle Gm meaning potentially low idle hiss.
It is inevitably a low-voltage input, and unless MASSively paralleled, will need a post-amp. (P-P 1D8 will make +26dBm.)
Twenty 1T4 and two 1D8 will heat with just 1.2A at 1.4V. You can get highly efficient low-V power modules for CPUs. 1.4V would be Pentium-class power and rather large/costly. 3.3V 1.2A and a 1.5 ohm 2W resistor will heat your tungstens. CUI Inc FSK-S5-3R3U, $20 at DigiKey. Or a 6VCT PT and monster caps, but size and losses will be higher.
A single D-cell would power the heaters through an entire side of an LP.