CJ Well-known member Joined Jun 3, 2004 Messages 16,124 Location California Nov 4, 2014 #1 VT stands for Valvetronix, that probably means hybrid in Websters electronic dictionary, this one works and then starts doing weird things like cutting in and out plus random noise thrown in for comfort, Attachments a.jpg 171.2 KB
VT stands for Valvetronix, that probably means hybrid in Websters electronic dictionary, this one works and then starts doing weird things like cutting in and out plus random noise thrown in for comfort,
CJ Well-known member Joined Jun 3, 2004 Messages 16,124 Location California Nov 4, 2014 #2 21 screws to take the chassis out, 8 wood, 13 machine, if this were a blackface Fender the chassis would be out by now, Attachments a2.jpg 131.6 KB
21 screws to take the chassis out, 8 wood, 13 machine, if this were a blackface Fender the chassis would be out by now,
CJ Well-known member Joined Jun 3, 2004 Messages 16,124 Location California Nov 4, 2014 #3 closed back cab, VOX/Celestion speaker, pretty hefty, lonely tube, probably an AX7, Attachments a3.jpg 155.5 KB
CJ Well-known member Joined Jun 3, 2004 Messages 16,124 Location California Nov 4, 2014 #4 pots soldered to preamp board, mega pin SMT stuff, hope that aint broke, forced air cooling blows on the chip during the Sabbath set, Attachments a4.jpg 147.8 KB
pots soldered to preamp board, mega pin SMT stuff, hope that aint broke, forced air cooling blows on the chip during the Sabbath set,
CJ Well-known member Joined Jun 3, 2004 Messages 16,124 Location California Nov 4, 2014 #5 DSP stuff sounds pretty cool, turn off the flash next time, this guy had a different problem, busted resistor, busted gear.com> http://www.bustedgear.com/repair_Vox_ad50vt_resistor.html Attachments a5.jpg 66.5 KB
DSP stuff sounds pretty cool, turn off the flash next time, this guy had a different problem, busted resistor, busted gear.com> http://www.bustedgear.com/repair_Vox_ad50vt_resistor.html