Vox FX

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
I'm trying to find out how to get a voice like this:
I think it's made by mixing the real voice with a telephone alike EQued copy, or maybe a vocoder. But maybe I'm missing out on something?
Any input/comments are very welcome.
I've heard the tune before but never saw the video. It's got some retro charm.

The vox sound auto-tuned to me.  I don't think there is a vocoder but maybe. More likely it's as you said, there is a bandpass filter on a duplicate track.

One of the TC Helicon or Digitech units might be able to do the effect. Check out the sound samples on this page: http://www.tc-helicon.com/products/voicepro/  The second sample has this type effect taken to an extreme...

regards, Jack
There is autune or another pitch corrector.
I think there is another track in parallel, heavily compressed, with an eq peaking at like 4k, chopping OFF above like 6k, chopping OFF low shelf around 500Hz or 1kHz.

In the choruses there's more "original" track. And note the 1/8th note delay in there. It's subtle but exposed in some spots.

Sounds like Autotune in graphical mode, or keyed in via MIDI, hence the pitch bends.

I think there is definitely something paralleled. In fact, I do hear slightest modulation happening in the vocal. I bet there was something like Waves Enigma used in there.

I really like this mix, great sound.
Yeah it definitely has an extra bandpass track. I call them whisper tracks... :) Maybe a slight chorus on it. And heavily compressed. I usually use this for backing vocals on some stuff.

I think you can do that with melodyne.  It's very slick at customizing pitch and formants manually.
^ think they've removed some pitch modulation in melodyne or Atune. That gives it the monotone robot sound i think.
Is this a similar thing they do to alot of the RnB vox?
I also hear the other tracks. there could be dozens mixed in. you can hear 1 seperately "take me away from here"  I hear that track all the way through. taken out some times, probably because it became too obvious. could be either actual seperately recorded tracks "vocaligned" (they're pretty tight) or just processed. vocs are pretty breathy. dolby SR?. octaves, whispers, all that before the vocoder effect. certainly a lot of good work.
Funny i just bumped on a new voice helicon product, turns out the guy who makes the demo sings that song at the end, he's using their Voicetone C1 for achieving this, so yes pitch correction is what it is obviously, but that one sounds pretty damn close, check out the vid at the end  ;)

Stagefright13 said:
Melodyne is more subtle.

I disagree. It's all about the user.
And if I was going to make sounds like this (and I'm not saying I am), I would use Melodyne, because it would be faster.
I taste the subtle flavour of vocodor mixed low in the chorus.

Also, getting somebody to imitate the vocal inflections of the guy from Death Cab for Cutie would help.